Chapter 20-magcon

Start from the beginning

"No promises," I say smiling

I only throw about 5 things out before a find what I'm looking for.

"Thank you Sammy!" I say pulling out a flannel from his bag.

"Welcome?" He says more like a question.

I start walking out of the room, but Jack stops me by clearing his throat.

"What?" I ask turning around.

"Um, clean up the mess you made," he says in a duh tone.

"It's not my fault you didn't pack a flannel for me" I sass

"You never told me you wanted one,"

"Because I didn't think of wearing one until right now."

"Jay your not making any sense," he says and chuckles.

"Thank you," I say and close the door and skip to my room.


I open my room door and go to my suit case pulling out a pair of black leggings, my Timberlands, and a cat beanie. 

I walk to the bathroom and Matt steps in front of me. I scared me and I jump back a little.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Well you know I would really appreciate it if you have me my pants back." He says holding out his hand, standing there in just his boxers.

"Wait let me go in the bathroom first." I say

He sighs then agrees with me. "Ok but I want my pants back, like now."

"Chill your beans you'll get them." I say walking into the bathroom.

I take all my clothes off then wrap myself in a towel. I open the door so then my arm manages to squeeze threw it.

"There you go Matthew." I say throwing his pants in the ground then closing and locking the door quickly.

"Thanks," I here him say from the other side of the door.

I just smile and shake my head.


I get out of the shower and I put my clothes on and check myself in the mirror once more before walking out.

"It's 12 Jay we gotta go now." Shooing me out the door.

He acts like the dad of this group....its s'cute.

"I haven't even eaten breakfast though," I protest.

"It's 12 now the hotel isn't serving breakfast anymore." Jack says stepping out of no where.

"Where the hell did you come from?" I ask

"My mom." He responds like a smart ass

I just stare at him.

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