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Hey dolls! Welcome to my new story!! Now this is a big chapter, been writing for literally 2 and a half hours. I swear on my love for Adam, it took that long so I hope you guys like! Please let me know how you like!! ❤❤

†December 28 2011†

Ever wondered what happens after you're gone? After you have your final breath and the line goes flat? I have always wondered what it felt like, is there really a heaven or hell? Or do we just wonder in darkness for all eternity? Lost souls that don't want to be found because the darkness is peaceful and there's nothing to worry about.

After she died, I wanted to know if she really was looking down on me, was she really there when I begged for her to come back? Screaming at the skies on my knees, wishing it was me that was buried. Sometimes I wished I could go to sleep to never awaken, but then I'd hear Lucy's cries from yet another nightmare, my mind is snapped back in order, demanding I stay strong for my baby girl.

"Daddy! Wake up!" I left my thoughts and tilted my head, looking to see Lucy stating back at me with her blonde eyes.

"I'm awake, baby." I smile as I stand to my feet, picking her up and placing her on my hip. "What do you want for breakfast?" I ask, sitting on down at the kitchen table.

"Eggs!" She giggled, her smile was contagious and I caught myself smiling.

"Eggs it is." I turn to the fridge and pull out two eggs from the top shelf, shutting the fridge again, I turn on the stove and heat a pan up, it already had oil from yesterday's eggs. I cracked both of them and while I waited for them to be ready to be turned, I made a coffee. "Can you go get the paper from the lawn please, darling?" I ask as I flip over the eggs.

"Okay." Lucy spoke happily, for some reason she always loved going and getting the paper, I never ask for her to do anything besides that, I don't know if it's because of the early morning air she loves or something. But it always fascinates me.

"Eggs are done." I smile as I place both eggs on one of Lucy's Cinderella plates and place it in front of her.

"You forgot my knife and fork, daddy." She says, looking up at me.

"Did you need me to cut them?" I wonder as I get a plastic fork and knife from the draw and give them to her.

"I can do it."

"Okay, just let me know if you struggle okay?"

"Yes, daddy."

She's getting so big now, it's unbelievable. Her first day of school starts today and I don't know how I'll be without her here. It's always been her and I, watching movies all day or going out. It's only for 3 weeks, they want to see how she goes.

I finish off my coffee and place the paper back down on the table.

"Come on, gromet, we got to get you dressed ready for school." I say, picking up her plate and putting it in the sink along with my mug. I follow Lucy to the bathroom where she stands on her little stool to be able to see the mirror to brush her teeth. "How do you want me to do your hair?"

"piggy." She giggles. Starting to brush her teeth.

"Piggy tails?" I ask, she nods her head as I pick up her brush.

"Like Mommy used to do in my photos." She spoke.

"Okay baby." I smile gently, brushing her hair. I never shyed away from telling her about her Mom. She wanted to know and what's the use of lying to your daughter? Only for her to believe that lying is the best thing to do? It may stop her from being hurt but doesn't mean it won't come round later in life to hurt her. It's best to always be honest. "Alright, come on, let's go get your uniform on."

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