Chapter 3

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As I pull into the school's familiar parking lot, I see a familiar face.

"Hey dude!" He yells
"What's up J.T?"
"Nothing much, you excited?" He asks.
"Yeah buddy!" I whooped. "We got any classes together?" I asked him. He showed me his schedule, and I was so happy. My best friend and I had FIVE classes together!
"Yo Adam," he tells me. "Look who it is."  I turn around and am amazed.
"Holy shit... J.T go on inside, I'll see ya later." He walks inside and takes my sister with him.
"Dawn." I walk over to her and meet her, face first, kissing her. "Baby I've missed you so much." She pulls away quickly, "Adam, we need to talk."
My heart sank, "About?" I knew the answer.
"About us... I just think that I need a break. Okay?"
"FUCK!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I punched my truck, denting it.
"I'm sorry," she told me, crying. I would've embraced her if she'd wanted me too, but I wasn't sure.

After a few minutes of screaming in my car, crying, I knew I had 2 minutes to get inside. Once inside, I tried to keep away from her and her friends.

First period. Math. She has math with me. Wait, is that my sister? "Amy?" She looked at me in a weird way. I motioned or her to come over. "Guess what," I say, holding back tears.
"What?" She asked.
"Dawn broke up with me..."

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