Epilogue(yeah i know random)

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"Wahhhhhh" A baby crying rang through the house.

Yoongi stuffed his face in his pillow, "That child needs to shut the fuck up. She's 2 years old for fucks sake."

Jimin sat up and groaned, "Come on, be easy on her... You're the one who wanted to adopt... She probably had a night mare." Jimin got up from the bed and walked into Jimin and Yoongi's child's room, which was shared with Dae.

Dae who was fast asleep, was cuddling with the new adopted child, Hyesu.

But Hyesu didn't look so happy, she was crying and crying.

"Aw, come on..." Jimin picked her up, "Are you ok?" He asked her.

She shook her head, "I miss eomma!"

Right then, Yoongi walked into the room, "What's wrong this time?"

"It's still her mom..." Jimin told him.

The thing about Hyesu... She had just become an orphan because she was a vampire but her parents weren't.(don't know don't ask me makin stuff up here like the whole story except for bts's names)

Yoongi patted Hyesu's head, "Don't worry, you'll visit eomma soon."

"Reawwy?" She pouted and Yoongi modded.

"Yay!" She shouted and jumped in Jimin's arms.

"Can you go to bed now?" Jimin sat her down next to Dae and she nodded laying herself down.

"Why did you lie to the poor little girl?" Jimin asked Yoongi as they went to their bedroom.

"Because I have school tomorrow and I need to go to sleep. Don't worry, I did the same thing with Cho and Dae when they were younger." Yoongi said as he laid down and went to sleep right away.

"Wow..." Jimin said, amazed as he went asleep too.

The next morning Yoongi woke Jimin up telling him to take Hyesu to day care and Dae and Cho to school.

"Why can't you?" Jimin asked the half naked Yoongi who was trying his best to get dressed.

"Uh. Because, I'm already late as it is and your job doesn't start for another two hours. Love ya. Bye." Yoongi pecked Jimin on the lips and ran out the room and out the house, pulling down his shirt.

Jimin dropped Dae and Cho off but decided to spend the last hour he had with Hyesu.

"Hyesu... Are you alright?" He asked her as she sat in the stroller he was pushing on the sidewalk.

"Not until I see eomma..." She whined.

Jimin stopped at an ice cream shop, the same one he went with Dae and Cho, and got himself some ice cream.

"Here. Take a bite." He smiled and did the airplane thing to Hyesu with the ice cream. She giggled and bit it.

"You want more?" Jimin asked and she nodded.

They spent the next twenty minutes doing that. He tried his best cheering her up. But when Jimin dropped her off at the daycare, she still looked extremely sad.

The day went buy and Jimin told Yoongi about Hyesu being upset.

"What should we do? Yoongi asked.

"There's only one thing to do..." Jimin sighed.

"To be good parents..."


Embarrassed by secrets(Yoonmin Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin