Luke calls out loudly. "Hey mom if two people join us and bring an extra turkey, are they invited to eat with us?"

"As long as the turkey is cooked already I don't have time to bake it" Amanda's voice calls out.

"Is the turkey cooked?" I ask Belle.

"It's baked like Stanley the Stoner on a weekend" Belle answers.

"Well then tell Zack that you two need to get your asses down here in 8 minutes because that's when we're eating".

"Gotcha babe" and with that there is a click telling me that Belle has hung up.

"We're not eating in eight minutes" Luke states confused.

"I know, I want to see how long it takes Belle to get somewhere if she rushes" I say with a smirk. Usually when Belle tells me she'll be over in ten, I spend the next half hour waiting on her.

"You evil, evil girl" Luke states and I grin before turning my attention back to the TV.


It takes Belle 15 minutes to get to the house. Her entrance is probably one of my favorites of hers yet. Zack threw the door open for her and Belle sprinted in with a turkey on top of a plate screaming "The turkey is baked! I stole it while my family was distracted! Don't eat without us!".

I asked her if her family would notice that her and Zack were gone but she just waved it off and stated "their too stuffed on crackers to be hungry and I told them Zack and I were going out to buy them more cheese. They wont expect us back for another 3 hours".

As she sits down next to me on the couch, Zack takes a seat next to Luke. The both of them are tense for a minute but that quickly changes as the bears score a touchdown. They both stand up and throw their hands in the air with a shout of happiness. After that they quickly slipped into a conversation about the pro teams this year along with Brandon.

At the sound of the doorbell I turn towards Belle confused. She shoots me a nervous smile. "I may have invited Danny as well".

"Belle!" I shout in exasperation.

"What? You know his mom and dad are too focused on his brother who came back from college a day ago. Plus, I told him to bring mashed potatoes".

I give her an irritated look but Luke speaks up. "Good. Mom forgot the mashed potatoes. That's why she is going crazy right now".

Belle gestures in a See? way before I get up to open the door. 

"We brought potatoes that are evenly mashed" Danny states as I open the door. At his side is a girl that looks only a few years older than him. She has blonde hair that is styled in loose curls.

"Good. We forgot the mashed potatoes" I say as Danny and the girl walk into the house.

"Oh! This is my cousin Lydia" Danny introduces the girl. I smile at her. "Nice to meet you".

"You too. Your house is beautiful" she says, examining the hall.

"Sadly, Claire can't take credit for the interior decoration of this house since she doesn't live here but I can" Luke's voice sounds as he walks into the room.

I watch as the girl Lydia looks him up and down in a seductive way, not even trying to be discreet. "Oh, then I guess I'll have to thank you instead" she says in a low voice that sounds like she is trying to get him into her hotel room.

"No thanks needed. You guys brought mashed potatoes" Luke states with a smile. She laughs slightly too much at this. 

"Well, lets eat" Luke states and we follow him into the dining room. I start to not feel as excited as I was before about eating because of the appearance of Lydia, who looks like a bikini model.

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