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Dick knew that Barbara being asked out was going to end badly. 

Right from the start he hated this Jason guy. It's not that Dick was jealous of course. Dick had a girlfriend, so he was 100% NOT jealous of Jason Bard. "I have had tons of girlfriends so there is nothing wrong with Babs going on a date." 

Dick was not jealous but he did do several backround checks on Jason. He also filled gym locker with roting fruit. And Dick may or may not have had a plan to make Jason go on a "vacation" to the middle of the ocean. But he was not jealous.

Dick also for no reason told his girlfriend of two weeks that he could no longer see her. This had nothing to with Babs or her good for nothing, evil, horrible, best friend/secrect crush stealing boyfriend. 

But when the horrible monster cheated on Babs, Dick did not say I "I told you so" he comforted Babs like every best friend should do. The second Babs was eating cookies with Alferd, Dick suited up and had a "chat" with Jason.

The next day Jason came to school with a black eye, many HUGE bruises, and a broken arm. When everyone asked what happened Jason swore he had been attacked by a ninja dressed in red and yellow.

When Barbara found Dick he was non-chalantly reading a book. "Dick, what you did is not okay."

"I have no idea what your talking about."

"Beating up Jason, what were you thinking?"

Dick looked up from his book, "IF I did beat the evil evil, man that cheated on you with some slutly, cheerleader, which I did not. I would have no regrets because he deserved it. No one messes with my best friend." 

Babs tried to keep her poker face but it melted into a smirk. She bent down ang gave Dick a long hug which he happily returned. When the hug ended Barbara smiled at her best friend, "If you did beat up Jason, which you didn't I might thank you." Babs gave Dick a kiss on the cheak that was more that friendly. "Thanks Boy Wonder." She whispered. Maybe if Dick was jealous of Jason Bard it would be because he was in madly love with Barbara.

Good thing Dick was not jealous.

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