What's A Soul Mate?

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"Grayson, GRAYSON!" Damian yelled in a sleeping Dick's ear. The twenty year old grumbled, "Dami it to early to be alive let alone awake." Damian glared at his older brother.

"I must know something, now. What is a soul mate?" Damian asked.

"A soul mate? Why do you want to know what a soul mate is? At-" Dick looked at his clock" six in the morning."

"Do you really need reasoning, I want to know something and you will tell me if you do not want you hand cut off."

"Okay I'll tell you."

"A soul mate," Dick looked thoughtful for a moment" A soulmate is like a best friend but more. It is the one person in the world who knows you better than anyone else. A soul mate makes you a better person. No, they don't make you make a better person, you do that yourself, because they inspire you. A soul mate is someone you carry with you. They loved you and excepted you before anyone else did," Dick smiled for a second," or when no one else would. And no matter what happens you will always love them, nothing will ever change that." Dick finished his speech and looked at his brother, "Are you happy with that anweser."

"Yes," Damian replied, "You may go back to sleep now." Dick rolled his eyes and went back to sleep as Damian walked out of the room. Bruce walked out of his room, "Damian why are you awake?"

"Father, that does not matter. I have come to the conclussion that Gordon is Grayson's soul mate. According to his definition they belong to tegether. So from this moment forward, I am making it my duty to make shure they have a perfect relationship." Damian looked at his watch, "I am going to get dressed for brefast."

Bruce stood awed at his son. "Damian,"

"Yes Father," Bruce shook his head. "Tell Alferd to make me the largest cup of coffe he can."

I hoped you liked my one shot, it is based of the video I put in the "video" chapter so if you haven't watched it, watch it. And leave requests for one shots and read my other Graybat books and most importantly Stay Whelmed.

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