Chapter 7: The Art of Drowning.

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Chapter 7:

A loud ringing sound is what woke me up that faithful Saturday morning.

Not only was the ringing unexpected, but it was also highly unwelcome. I picked up the wretched alarm clock and shoved my finger into the snooze button cutting off the sharp, high pitched noise.

After chucking the device back on the night stand, I rolled back over under the covers and closed my eyes intending to go straight back to sleep.

Five minutes into my attempt at a peaceful slumber a loud banging erupted through the ceiling resounding in my ears, leaving behind a painful ringing sensation.

With a low growl I sat up and glared at the ceiling willing it to silence itself.

Before my powerful gaze had time to do any damage the door to my room flew open and Rose's cheerful smile nearly blinded me. "Good Morning Sunshine! The early bird catches the worm! We leave in an hour so get dressed quickly, and make sure your clothes are comfortable, I have a very exciting day planned." A few flamboyant hand gestures later and she flew out of my room just as jolly as she'd entered it.

I groaned and pulled the plush red pillow over my head in attempt to block out the noises echoing from above me.

But alas, this sad attempt failed miserably as the pounding continued. 

I glanced over at the discarded alarm clock and nearly pissed myself when I saw the glaring red numbers revel that it was 6:18 in the God forsaken morning. Who the actual fuck is up at this ungodly hour on a Saturday?

I muttered a string of curses under my breath as I harshly ripped the sheets off of my body and my toes connected with the solid tile. A chill ran up my spine as I stalked across the chilled tile and over to my suitcase. I rummaged around in the packed bag until I slipped out my favorite baseball bat.

 I stalked out of the room towards the elevator where I shoved my finger repeatedly into the up button until the platinum doors swung open with a whoosh. When the metal doors swung open, I stepped  out of the elevator onto the 5th floor where the pounding was significantly more intense.

Following the sound of Drake blasting down the hallway I arrived at a tempered glass coated door and twisted the knob, swearing to murder the source of the pounding noise.

And hot holy hell did I find it.

Before my  eyes, stood Daniel adorned in only a pair of thin navy blue basketball shorts dangling from his hips. His broad legs moved quickly over the treadmill, his chest rising up and down keeping time with the beat of the music. I quickly averted my eyes from the specimen and focused at the task at hand.

A hast scan of the spacious area revealed the set of the giant stereo speakers hung along the walls. Zoning in on the heart of the audio system, I crept over to the corner of the room where it was located unnoticed. With the volume of the music being at an ear drum shattering level, he failed to register my presence.

Glaring at the incredibly expensive looking hunk of metal with intense hatred I raised the bat and proceeded to beat the absolute living shit out of it. A seething red film covered my vision as I released every ounce of bent up tension and anger from the last few days onto the vile contrivance.

The first strike did little damage to it, but by the 19th swing it was crumbled in a battered, sparking heap. Smiling at my handy work I relished in the renewed silence.

Spinning on my heel, whistling to the tune of the hubba bubba commercial they played non stop on the plane, I came face to chest with a very sweaty set of abs. 

"You murdered my stereo." It was a cold clipped statement that left the mouth of the devil himself. 

"Well." I started. "You murdered my sleep."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2016 ⏰

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