Unrealistic dreams

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Unrealistic Dreams

With false hope I let you guide me
In my unrealistic dreams your right beside me
These feeble walls are crumbling
And I'm reduced to absolute nothing

I'm left with bad scars
And this broken guitar
I write this music
To relieve the bruises

In my unrealistic dreams
my wrist are clean
In my unrealistic dreams
There are no beauty queens

We're all just machines
And screwed up teens
Who make empty promises
And we're left as hostages

In my unrealistic dreams
Boys aren't afraid to cry
In my unrealistic dreams
There are no expectations

The foundations that make a nation
Are lost in the heart and soul of the people
And we're left with absolute frustration
While we're left with the satisfaction of being almost equal.

These are my unrealistic dreams
What are yours?
Do u think about them daily?
Or do you simply let them pass you by?
-Tyler Rose

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