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Jane's p.o.v

The sun was shining but grey clouds was still wondering around. My mind was blank, body at ease but my heart was fast like a fast paced beat. Joey was sitting beside me, fast asleep and looked somewhat comfortable in the leather plane seats.
My forehead was resting on the plane window as I stare at my reflection. My dull tented baby blue eyes stares back at me with a questioned gaze as if asking why are you doing this?

I already knew the answer and it's to find a place to keep my brother until this madness was over. But out of all people I chose him. The man who left me with that alcoholic and drugged crazed woman for a young and wealthy lady. Not even just that but he even had the nerve to take my oldest brother away from me when I needed him the most.

My father and brother had a chance to escape and created a new life. Supposedly me and Joey have a step brother and a step sister in their new life. Somehow living with these strangers could've been avoided but there weren't any other loop holes.

The window became foggy from the air that I exhaled. My reflection became foggy and the only thing that's visible was my blond hair.

I sighed and relaxed into the uncomfortable chair before falling asleep.

*tap tap*

"Miss I need you to strap your seatbelt before we land." Came an annoying high pitched voice. My eyes slowly opened and a young lady or teenage girl- whatever she is- was bending over Joey's seat in order to get to me. My eyes diluted as I saw her 'accidentally' rub her boobs on Joey's crotch.
Who the hell bends that low just to tap somebody?

"Back the hell up off him or your face will 'accidentally' connect to my fist."
Sure Joey looks like he can be 17 but that doesn't mean that she can be up on him like that. He's only 15! Luckily she walked away or otherwise she'll be flying out the window right now.

Joey strapped his seat belt while muttering "she was only doing her job" for like one hundred times. Yeah right she was doing her job.

The plane hitched a little before it came to a halt. Joey grabbed our bags from the compartment over our heads and handed me my two bags. We exited the plane and looked for any familiar faces.
There was in fact one familiar face. His looks didn't change at all since he left, except for his stumble.

He walked towards us with a grin and their wasn't nothing I would like to do more but punch in his face. "Hi Jane and Joey" his husky and annoying voice that I missed came.
Its not a lie that I miss him but I'm trying to stay stone like I was raised to be. My facial expression was stone hard and my body was tensed.

"Brother" was my only response before I shoulder bumped him really hard and walked to the car he came out of. Joey kept by my side with an expression somewhat like mine, he gave me my space but he was close enough to show people that they better back off. I felt pride in my little brother but angered at the same time. Though he feel that he can protect me and care for me is a good thing but he's forgetting that I can take care of myself.

The silver Chevy Malibu came into clear sight. Joey took my bags and put it in the backseat with him while I sat in the passenger seat. My arms were crossed, foot on the dashboard, and face still stone. The drivers side door opened and in came Nick with a weary smile. He strapped his seatbelt and his hand hesitated before it put the car in drive.

The drive to the house was approximately a half hour long and on the way there were all types of different things to see. Tall buildings, short buildings, many people with suits, graffiti, and etc. I shouldn't have expected anything less than what I've saw and after all it was New York city.

Soon we came to an area where there was less people, and homes with a lot of property of their own. From what I'm seeing I'm guessing this is like a rich neighborhood but not really. The houses was nice, grass was cut, and expensive cars was everywhere but it wasn't something a rich family would most likely pick.
Nick pressed a button on a small remote and a garage door opened. He drove in and as soon as the car was put in park, me and Joey got out the car.

Nick walked towards a house with me and Joey in tow. Once we were inside the house, nothing held my interest or had me stunned but don't get me wrong the house was beautiful it's just that I don't care.

A small girl that looks around 6 years old with big blue innocent eyes and long black hair walked down the steps. She had a brown Teddy bear with her arms wrapped around it's waist and she was staring at me with excitement and curiosity. "Is this Jane?" She asked Nick with a small smile.
"Because she's really pretty!"

Nick gave her a small smile back and a nod. "Yeah that's her. Come on Jane dad wants to talk to you and Alice show Joey to his room."
Joey expression didn't change at all as he followed Alice. Nick walked down a hallway that leads to a room. When we went into the room it had a dark wooden mahogany desk, a light brown couch to the far right, tan walls, and two seats in front of the desk. sitting behind the desk was a man with light grey hair in certain places but black everywhere else, a white button down shirt with a white T-shirt under, and blue anxious eyes stared at me. I stared at him with my similar blue eyes until he started talking.


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