Chapter 2: Time For Operation E.F.F.W.H.

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Fred POV ~ 1st October 1998

In about 2 months, I had come up with about 26 different plans. All named with letters of the alphabet. And they were all basically the same. They all failed cause of a wall of fire between me and a door.

In two months, I somehow found a door. I was pacing round the room, when I hit something hard. A wall. I went next to it, following it, until a bunch of fire flew from over and under me, burning my clothes. Luckily I was able to fix them. Another plus was that I’d probably found a way out.

Ok, this was my last FAILED plan. Plan Z:

I run.

I turn off the fire.

I go out the door.


No. Thus, I failed. And got a smidge MORE burnt in the process, nothing I can't handle.

So I came up with Operation E.F.F.W.H

What does E.F.F.W.H. mean? I hear you ask.

It stands for 'Escape from Fred Weasley's Hell'.

Good name, right? I always adore speaking about myself in third person, it makes me feel different.

The Plan:

I slowly go up to the invisible door (I know where it is, Kinda) and, like always, a wall of fire will appear where I am (which is when I’m about 1/2 a meter from the door), so I get burnt. But... So I don't get really burnt, I will step back and use aguamenti quickly, before the fire disappears. Because if I turn off the fire, no more walls of fire will appear, but if it disappears, it will appear again.

Oh Pumpkin Juice, I sound like I’m some kind of expert... Which I am. I think?

Well... I got my wand and got ready. Then, put my plan into action!!


And guess what?


Except the door opened and I then entered another room, all white this time though.

But when I turned around I saw someone behind me. That someone was facing me and it seemed to be analyzing me, as if waiting to see who I was.

He (it didn't look like a she..) was dressed in a black cape with a very big hood, the tail of the cape was pretty long, it touched the floor and trailed behind him for a couple of meters. Underneath, you could see black trousers, black business like shoes and a black button-up shirt, with metal cufflinks. His hands were covered by a pair of black leather gloves, the cuff of his shirt longer than usual, probably so his skin wasn't visible. His hood was so big, it completely covered his face. But when he looked a bit up, theoretically, you could be able to see his skin, but he always kept his head down. His neck was covered by a thick black rope, which was probably to tie the cape around him. He had this creepy look perfected. He also gave off a creepy vibe, like he was saying 'You REALLY don't want to mess with me. You WILL regret it.'

"Fred Weasley..." It- He said, not a question, but a statement. He had a hoarse voice, as if he'd had a sore throat but was still recovering from it. He spoke, no, whispered, but that was his voice. He spoke in whispers. Those two things together, made his voice sound threatening, calm but dangerous. It scared the shit out of me.

"It is now your turn. You have proven yourself to be an intelligent and somewhat cunning creature. You must choose. Life and a special power. Or death and an eternity working for me, down in Hell. Not your personal hell, worse." He informed me. At the end of every sentence, he'd pause for a few seconds. I replayed his words in my head, frowning when he said I was ‘somewhat cunning’.

Somewhat cunning, I’ll show the thing somewhat cunning...

"Well, Sherlock, what do you recommend I choose?" I asked, sarcastically. Really, this... thing... should be smarter. Life!!

"Death." He answered anyways. His voice cold and detached. Like he had no heart.

"Nope. I choose life." I told him, annoyed. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go and live." I started walking away, to a nearby door, but then he spoke once again.

"You choose life. You'll face the Things and It. Escape. Forgotten. You choose death. You'll go down there. Stay. Remembered."

Brilliant. Now he's speaking in a kind of riddle. I hate riddles. They remind me of Moldywart.

Nevertheless, I repeated: "I choose life." I was sure of my decision; I had unfinished business down – or up –on Earth.

He stepped towards me, and reached out his hand. I tentatively took it. The world spiralled clockwise and counter-clockwise. Spinning me round and round, dizzying me. And with a loud and hurtful thud I was at Gringotts, where the safes were. On the freaking' floor. Stupid creepy cape guy...

"Be up before dawn, or die." A voice resonated through the walls, echoing, making its voice eerier than before. It made my spidey-senses tingle. (Yes, I know of Spiderman...)

Footsteps were heard behind me, and whispering. The voice resembled that persons’ (whom I suppose is Death himself). I sprang up and looked around to see if Death was there, but nothing. He'd disappeared.

I plopped back down on the cold, hard, rock ground, laying down. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, simply relaxing.

Loud breaths were heard from next to my head, frowning I opened my eyes and started to complain. At least I did, until I saw the breather of those foul smelling breaths.

I immediately regretted opening my eyes at all.


Ok. I'm not the best, but i'm trying..

Next update: 6th or 7th August. Or maybe sooner. But no later than the said dates.

Photo: Fred Weasley

Song: Runaway (by Avril Lavigne) 

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