Chapter 4: Knockturn Alley.

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Ok, so this is the 2nd part of the 1st Challenge as you can all read up there ^^. Well... it wouldn't fit... So i'll just put it down there \/ \/ \/ \/. Cool? :)



#Fred POV#

When I appeared at one of the top levels in Gringotts, I happened to be under the assumption that I was going to be given a ‘guided tour’ towards the surface.

I guess not.

 It transported me there, muttered a – very squeaky – bye and poof!! It’d disappeared. It was getting annoying already. I knew I’d most likely strangle it were I to see it again.

I complained about that to myself for a while, at the same time, following a narrow, dimly lit tunnel. It didn't look at all familiar, so I decided I’d explore it a bit, thinking there were still a couple of hours until dawn. You know us Gryffindors.

We’re going to get killed. That’s all I say. The phrase Curiosity killed the cat ran through my mind. Followed by a thought about how lions are of the cat species. Guess which animal represents Gryffindor. A lion – which is, essentially, a cat.

I’ve got to stop being such a pessimist.

The tunnel was decorated with spider webs and dust; it looked like no one had walked through it in years. Nevertheless, I went on, not letting any pessimistic thoughts get to me. But as I continued down the tunnel, it was obvious that it was getting much darker than it was before. Every step I took was faster than the one before. I walked faster and faster. Until I was almost flying. The darkness fuelling my pessimism.

But by then, the tunnel was completely pitch black; I could see nothing at all. Not even the outline of my hands.

Nothing. Zip. Nada. Niente.

But then I remembered something, I was a wizard, and I had a wand. I smacked my forehead, punishing myself for panicking over nothing, and got my wand out. Lumos. The effects were immediate. I could clearly see everything; so clearly, the light hurt my eyes for the first few moments.

I looked around, to see where I’d come from and where I was going, but I saw nothing. Just four, old brick walls surrounding me.  I looked down; an uneven stone floor. I looked up; nothing. An empty space. No stone-ceiling-which-looks-like-it-is-about-to-give-out-and-fall-on-top-of-me-crushing-me-to-death-in-the-process. Nope. I could see the sky, and judging by how it looked, I had 30 minutes until dawn. Or less.

Great. Half an hour to get outta this place.

I started filling up the hole with water. It took a while as the hole was deep. The four walls weren't wide at all, so it was a narrow tower upwards. Meanwhile, the water kept rising. I cast a bubble head charm on my myself so I could breathe underwater, pausing the uprising of the water for 5 seconds. Then I continued filling up the whole hole. Slowly . . .

After 10 more minutes, I gave up. It was a dumb idea any who... But since I only had around 13 minutes and 46 seconds left, I had to hurry up. As the water had already filled around a quarter (almost a third) of the hole, I just swam up to the surface of the water and pointed the tip of my wand downwards... Depulso!! I suddenly flew upwards, not too high; I made sure of that, but high enough so I could hold onto a rock that was sticking out near the surface of the ground. I easily climbed up after that, and found that I was just outside Gringotts, and no one was there. Literally.

No goblin nor witch nor wizard. No mere mortal – I was basically immortal, I was alive wasn’t I?

After 15 whole minutes, it was already dawn, but Cape Guy wasn't here, so i guessed that the challenge still WASN'T complete. This was bad.

(ON HOLD) Stuck Between Life & Death (Fred Weasley Story)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora