Kronos XII

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Kronos walked down the tunnels of the underground base. Gaea-or Dirt Face, as the demigods so fondly call her- had made the base underground.

She didn't really think of the other monsters when she made it. Some of the other monsters were fine with it, like the hellhounds and the Cyclopes, but the rest....not so much.

Kronos walked into Gaea's throne room. Torches lined the stone walls, thankfuklly lighting up the room. The throne-on which Gaea sat with her dirty butt- was made of dirt. Surprise, surprise.

It was a wonder the throne didn't collapse under her weight. Her weight was equivalent to the entire planet.

Kronos wheeled at the foot of the throne. "Rise, my child," ordered Gaea. Kronos obeyed. "Have you destroyed the demigod camp?" she asked, looking down at him.

"I don't know. Have you lost any weight?" he mumbled, quiet enough so that Gaea couldn't hear. "What was that?" she asked.

"No," said Kronos through gritted teeth. "No, Great One," corrected Gaea. "No need to call me Great One, mother," Kronos retorted.

Oops. Looks like he'd been spending too much time with Percy. It was only a few minutes really, or maybe it was a day, Kronos didn't really know.

To say Gaea looked angry was an understatement. "GO TO YOUR ROOM!" she yelled, causing the stone floor to shake. Kronos hurried away and to the Titans' room, well, the first generation of Titans anyway.

It was probably one of the smallest in the entire underground base, but Kronos guessed Gaea really hated them for failing to take over the world twice.

When Kronos tried the handle of the steel door, he found it locked. He rapped the smooth material with his knuckles. "Who is it?" came the voice of Krios.

"It's Kronos," replied the Titan of time. "Phoebe, go get the door, will you?" asked Mnemosyne. Sounds of chains being removed came from the other side of the door.

"Quick, get inside," hissed Mnemosyne. Kronos quickly slipped into the room. "Have you made any progress so far?" Kronos asked Hyperion, who was standing in front of the maps that were taped to the wall.

Hyperion turned to face him. "We've already gotten the giants, the Cyclopes, the hellhounds, the Hyperboreans and the dracanae on our side. But we still need to persuade the drakons, the empousai and a whole lot more.

They had been planning to overthrow Gaea for months now. None of them really wanted to take over the world, just Gaea. Even the other monsters weren't that eager to take over.

Unfortunately, most of the monsters were too frightened of Gaea to disobey her. So, there were the Titans and giants, running around the base in secret, persuading the other monsters to try and put the Earth Mother back to sleep for the second time.

"This is taking too long," said Kronos, pulling his hair in frustration. "We won't be able to stop Gaea in time." Rhea placed a hand on his shoulder. "Patience, Kronos. We'll stop her," she assured him.

Kronos doubted it. Gaea planned on destroying both Camp Halfblood and Camp Jupiter in a few days. By the time the Titans had persuaded all of the monsters, both camps would have been destroyed.

"Gods, Kronos, you look constipated," Koios grinned. How humorous. "How could you be joking at a time like this?!" snapped Kronos.

Koios shrugged. "It's a gift." Kronos rolled his eyes. He couldn't help but think that Koios and Percy would be good friends. "Not to worry, little bro. We've got our current allies going around and convincing the other monsters. It'll be fine," said Oceanus.

"I hope you're right," said Kronos, and he really did hope so. "Of course I'm right. I'm not left, am I?" he joked. What a dork.

Someone knocked on the door. "Wh-who is it?" asked Kronos, his heart pounding. "It's Metis," was the reply. Thethys removed the chain from the door and opened it, allowing the Titaness of wisdom, Metis to walk in, holding a thick and ancient book.

As soon as she was inside, Thethys slammed the door shut. They couldn't risk having one of Gaea's minions, the Earthborne, seeing what they were planning.

"What is it, Metis?" asked Iapetus/ Bob kindly. Metis faced all of the other Titans in the room. "Remember when I told you that the only way for a demigod to rid a Titan from their body was for them to force the Titan out?"

They all nodded. They knew that the daughter of Athena would figure that out somehow, so they used a little magic to tie Kronos to Percy's body, so that the son of Poseidon could feel the pain Kronos felt.

It seemed like a good idea at the time....

"Well, turns out, there was actually another way," stated Metis. "What is it?" asked Kronos eagerly.

The only reason he'd possessed Percy Jackson's body was because Gaea had told him to. She'd been there even before the Giant War. She was the one who told him about hosting a demigod's body. She'd been the puppet master, while Kronos had been the puppet.

"All you have to say is: I, Kronos, leave the body of Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon," answered Metis. "Are you serious? It's that easy?" Kronos couldn't believe it. It was too good to be true.

"Yup," Metis nodded. "Okay," Kronos started. "I, Kro-" "Wait!" Metis exclaimed. "You can't do it here! You have to do it while inside of your host! Or you'll probably destroy the world!"

"I think you're exaggerating a little bit," said Theia. "Yeah, you're right. The worst that could happen is Kronos and Percy Jackson both exploding," said the Titaness of wisdom.

Kronos gulped. "Good to know." Themis slapped him on the back. "Don't worry! Not even you could mess that up!" He certainly hoped not. He did not fancy blowing up one bit.

Didn't expect this POV, did ya? Wait, you did? Okay, then....HOOOOOOOODINI. Let's see who knows what this means. Hope you enjoyed! See ya in the next chapter!


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