Season 4/Part III

Start from the beginning

Mary Margret and David told Emma and I that Regina was going undercover."O-okay?When is she supposed to check in?"When neither of them answered,Emma got concerned."Mom?Dad?When is she supposed to check in?" "About an hour ago..." "This is okay!That doesn't mean anything bad happened to her!She was the worst villain of them all!She could take them on if she had to!She's probably just earning their trust."I reassured her."Oh I hope you're right."
When I came in for my shift,Granny was not the happiest.I saw broken bottles and a burnt table.I went back outside to see Emma."Did you find anything?" "Broken bottles and a burnt table.And let's not forget about the irate granny.Apparently Regina and the witches drank the place dry.I'd say she won them over." "Unless that's exactly what they wanted her to think!She's not at home,she not in her office,my parents are gonna check her vault but--" "I wouldn't have let her do this if she couldn't handle it.Imagine what Henry would think." "I guess you're right.I just hope she's gonna be fine." "She will be.Now I'm gonna help clean up the diner and then finish my homework."I did exactly as I said I was going to do and then saw Belle and Hook go into the hallway for a private conversation."Where you guys going?"Hook gestured for me to come closer and I leaned in."We're going to rehide the crocodile's dagger."I gave them a thumbs up before getting back to work.Emma,David,Mary Margret and Hook went to track down Regina because apparently she dropped her tracking device and after my shift,I followed them to Gold's shop."Why exactly are we going to Gold's shop?"I asked."Gold's back in Storybrooke,Regina said that they're holed up in his cabin." "He's here?Th-that's impossible."Belle said in shock."Well did you think he'd stay away?"Mary Margret asked."She's got a point." "Belle if he really is here then we need you to draw him out.Do you still have his dagger?" "No,I gave it to Killian."We all looked at him and he was as confused as us."Who?Me?Well for someone who's been looking for a way to kill the crocodile I'm pretty sure I'd remember holding that dagger in my hand." "That means Gold was disguised as you." "Just when I thought he couldn't deceive me anymore...He found a way." "Banishment was too good for that demon.We should've driven that dagger through his heart." "Then you would become the Dark One." "Small price to pay for killing the crocodile." "Killian we've defeated him once we can do it again.First we need to save August." "Aye,you do that.I'll find out the Dark One's secret." "How?" "The Sea Witch Ursula,I said I had a past with her,now it's time to use it.I'm gonna return her happy ending.And I know I can because I took it from her in the first place."I went to go check on Henry."Hey,Ty.Is something wrong?" "No,I...just was worried because the witches are after the Author." "So you're afraid that they might come after me?"Henry asked."Well...yes...So I am gonna stay here.Maybe I can be useful in finding the Author."I leaned against a table and watched Henry work.He's so cute when he's concentrating.God I am turning into a girl.Emma came into the loft with August moments before Regina did."Well,we're lucky he's okay." "It wasn't luck,you got us that message,thank you."August groaned and we called to the two mothers."Mom!He's waking up!" "What is she doing here?"August asked in distain."It's okay,I promise.August we need to talk about how I'm going to keep up my cover with Gold.I was only able to come here because they think I'm stealing this page.We didn't find the door at the Sorcerer's mansion." "Because it's not there." "What?"Henry and I asked at the same time before looking at each other questioningly."But you said you didn't know where it was.And your nose didn't grow?" "That's because I didn't know where Henry and his friend were keeping the page.Regina,this isn't just an illustration.The Author is trapped in the page itself."Wow...the irony...
August fell into a coma soon afterwards and we took him to see Mother Superior.
Regina explained her mission to steal the page."Then give them this."Emma created a forged page out of thin air and Henry said,"Wow,you're getting good." "I've been practicing."Emma replied with a smile."A forgery?This is Gold we're talking about." "Then pull out and we'll protect you."I stated."We don't need this.Maybe we need a different...kind of copy."Regina snapped a picture of the page and hugged Henry before heading back to give the witches the photo.We went back to the loft and Hook told us that Gold plans to turn Emma dark."What?You can't just Un-Savior the Savior."Henry commented."Gold has a way." "Hey...stop worrying.Not Gold or some Author gets to decide who I am."Mary Margret and David left and while Henry and I searched through the book,I passed out.I awoke moments later to see Henry's face next to mine.And I got up immediately to recognize that my head was in his lap."Holy frijoles!Henry what in the name of pugs in sundresses...?" "I...I don't know,I...just...umm...I...I kissed your forehead and you woke up.You're cute when you're sleeping,in a masculine way."I forced back my blush and said,"Well,thanks..."I chuckled awkwardly and I could feel the pace of my voice speed up,"That's awkward.Sorry I fell asleep on you.We should head to the Sorcerer's Mansion to check for any clues." "Yeah,let's go.Ty look...."I looked back to see that everyone was asleep."We need to leave,now!"I said as I gripped Henry's wrist and blinked us to the mansion.I felt a warm liquid slowly flowing from my nose as my feet gave up on me and I fell into Henry's arms."Ty,are you okay?" "I'm fine.I've just never blinked another person before.Not to mention I've never blinked so far before."I said as I looked at the blood on my fingertips."You need to rest." "No!I have to protect you!I'm going outside to prevent Maleficent and her coven from getting near you.You need to find answers,I won't argue with you.Please...?"He nodded and I wiped the blood from my nose before going outside and seeing Regina."I'm going to ask Henry for the forgery.I'm sorry for this."She froze me in place and her wicked friends followed."If you hurt him...I will rip you in two."Maleficent chuckled and said,"Wouldn't dream of it."I whistled and flipped them off and they chuckled mockingly and walked away while I shouted,"DO NOT COME FOR MY BITCH,BITCH!"Regina's spell wore off about a few minutes later meaning they must've left already.Henry ended up bumping into me and I immediately said,"What happened?Did they take the page?If they hurt you I swear--!" "Ty I'm fine.They think they took the key but I really have them the forged page Emma made.My mom just gave me a look and I knew exactly what she meant." "Smartie pants." "I also found the key.But my grandparents took them both." "They'll figure it out,they're heroes.We need to have faith in them.For now,let's just head home."He nodded at me and we went back to his house to play video games.On the way there,Henry asked me,"How did you survive that fall from the hospital."That's...a really good question."I don't kno-AHH!UGH!"I fell to my knees from the sudden appearance of a splitting headache.
"Pathetic.But then again,I am my sons father." "Why are you doing this?" "Because,I want a weapon.Not a weak queer child like my own.Now get one thing straight,be strong and brace yourself,or you will die..."

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