Season 4/Part II

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A/N Prepare for puns
After Hook convinced Emma to drink the memory potion,I overheard screeching coming from their location.I hurried up to the roof and kicked down the door and socked Walsh in the face.Emma shoved him off the balcony but he shifted forms and flew up again."Really?"Emma asked before grabbing a pipe and hitting him in the face a few times.I somersaulted behind Walsh and snapped his neck and throwing him off the balcony again after saying,"Enough monkeying around!"and he disappeared as he hit the ground."Thanks.It's good to see you again."I smiled as I said,"Well did you think we could stay away?"
I tried to contain my excitement as I saw Henry the next morning."Wait,we're really going?"Henry asked as she gave him his coat and his striped scarf."Yep.Just need to grab one last thing."She pulled out her red leather jacket and we headed back to Storybrooke."So how've you been?"I asked as I forced my hand away from his."Good,I'm just glad I got a chance to get out of school and go on a trip with my mom.I never caught your name." "Oh I have several.But most people call me Ty."When we arrived,Henry was already asleep and Emma got out of the car and looked around and said,"It's really back.I'm really back.It looks just as cursed as I remember."I got out of the car and said,"I was hoping you'd say quaint and homy."She left to go talk to her parents.I got back inside the car and brushed Henry's hair."You really fancy the boy." "Well you really fancy Emma."I whipped."Fair enough."We went to Mary Margret's loft and we tried to piece together why their memories were gone.Hook and I didn't lose our memories,but I didn't figure out who cast the curse or..."All I know is that we have some wicked witch to hunt down."The next morning Mary Margret and David came to Granny's Diner and Henry and Emma were waiting for them."Here you go,Henry."I said as I gave him his hot cocoa.Yes,I got a job here at fourteen.Surprise!I asked Regina and Granny,they're okay with it.Just to keep me busy."Hey,cinnamon.How'd you know?" "Your mom told me and you got that cinnamon face." "Henry,this is David and Mary Margret." "Are you helping my mom with the case?" " they're just...old friends." "From where?"Emma,Mary Margret both gave different answers."Well,Phoenix and then here.We were cell mates." What were you in for?"Henry asked."Banditry.People make mistakes,the important thing is to find a way to keep moving on."The two of them sat down with them and I took out my notepad."So now that the gang's all here,what's on your guy's radar?"Regina dropped her mug as she saw Henry."I'm sorry.I didn't mean to startle you." "It's-it's fine." "Sorry Ty."She said and I nodded at her as Emma pulled her into the hallway."Do you need help?"Henry said and I smiled and shook my head as I cleaned up the broken glass and wasted caffeine.Sad face.jpg
We figured out that people were being abducted as they approached the town so I went with David to take Robin and his Merry Men to safety.On the way there,we found one of the missing people and rushed him to the hospital where he turned into a flying monkey that flew out the window."What the hell was that thing?" "I'm a doctor not a vet."Dr.Whale commented.
When we got home,Emma and Regina helped us piece together that The Wicked Witch of The West was here in Storybrooke and she's the one who cursed us.We decided on ways we were going to track her down but Regina said that someone needed to protect Henry.I volunteered and I ended up going with Regina on her and Henry's tour of Storybrooke."Remember,he thinks we're here because of a case and as far as he knows you're just Madame Mayor." "I'm well aware of how he sees me."The two of us headed out to get Henry."Ty?How do you know the mayor?" Uh...crap I didn't think of that!"Madame Mayor always comes to the diner and I'm the only one who truly remembered her usual.At that point we became friends."I said with a smile.He shrugged as we headed out for our tour.We ended our tour at the lake with some ice cream.Henry got rocky road and I got cookies and cream.We just walked and talked about comparing New York to Storybrooke.Henry told Regina and I that something was off,this Walsh character that turned out to be a flying monster was apparently about to marry her and he said they wouldn't be here if she said 'yes'."I believe that someday you'll have more family than you know what to do with."Regina said to Henry."You think so?Ty?" "Yeah.I guarantee it."Regina got a call from Emma so she took Henry and I back to Granny's and I kept Henry company.

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