
An hour.

That's how long was left until the war  was officially initiated. And for most of that time, the troops were walking to the castle. To possibly their death – but no one was going to admit that. As for Caroline, she knew that she could possibly die tonight, she just wasn't showing it.

With slow and steady breaths, the girl walked besides Edmund, occasionally stealing glances at the boy to make sure he was still by her side. It had been barely two days, but she couldn't deny that she was grateful for him – he was trying to bring back the old Caroline, not the one who turned herself into a emotionless monster.

"I'm right behind you, the entire time. You can stop staring," Edmund spoke.

"I know," Caroline whispered, "It's time to spilt up anyway. Good luck,".

Edmund gave a small nod. Neither knew what to do, so both stood staring awkwardly. The boy glanced at the girl, cupping his hand over her cheek, gaining her attention to look at him, their eyes holding a stare.

"I'll meet you back at the Howe," Edmund assured, "Be safe,".

The two separated, their gaze not shifting off of each other until Caroline was taken by her brother to the flock of hybrids.

Peter turned to the princess, "I want you to stay by my side. I made a promise to your brother,".

"You have my word," Caroline replied.

"Let's head out," Peter ordered.

The groups began to enter the castle, getting flown down on to the roof then continuing to sneak down the halls.

"We need to get our professor. I know how to get there," Caspian stated.

"It needs to be quick, the troops are waiting," Peter said, "We'll come with you,".

Caspian led them to Professor Corneilius' room, climbing through the window. It was dark. Untouched, as if abandoned.

"Professor?" Caspian whispered.

"He's not here," Caroline noticed, glancing around.

"Then we need to find him," Caspian ordered.

"We don't have time," Peter replied, "The troops need the gate open,".

"You wouldn't be here without him. Nor would my sister and I," Caspian whispered.

"You and I can handle Miraz," Susan told Peter.

"And I can still get to the gate in time," Caspian assured.

"I'm staying with, Peter. You can find the professor by yourself, quick and easy," Caroline declared, moving towards the king, queen and dwarf.

Caspian gave a small nod before running out of the room.

"Come on, we need to hurry. Miraz's room isn't to far from here," Caroline spoke.

The king and queen followed Caroline, while the dwarf ventured off, quietly making there way down the corridors and soon, coming upon the door to Miraz's room. Peter stepped forward, pushing open the door, only to find Caspian standing in the room with his sword pointed at Miraz.

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