I can protect you

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I Woke up in Frank's arms, he wasn't asleep.

"Morning" He said smiling, I yawned and tried to get up but I was still under his compulsion.

"I need to pee... Can I um go?" I asked awkwardly, he laughed

"Yeah, you can leave me now" I ran for the bathroom and locked the door. After 5 minutes of brushing my teeth and doing my business I headed for my room. Frank was standing up now searching the room. I walked up to him and saw his eyes were red.

"You Need to feed Frank" I told him, he just nodded.

"I'll be back later" Then he was gone, I ran downstairs and saw my mum looking confused.

"Thought you was on a school trip?" She asked

"It was boring"

"Funny, cause you broke up from school 2 day's ago" Really?

"Exactly, I'd rather be at home than some crappy school trip" I laughed and walked to the living room switching on the TV. The news came on and the headlines were "12 student's fount dead on street's In London, drained of blood!" I gasped at the thought, Mikey looked really hungry the other day... Did he do this? I turned the TV off and ran upstairs.

I laid on my bed thinking until I heard a noise from the window. I shot up and stared but nothing was there. I closed the window and walked back to my bed. I Stared at the curtain which looked weird out, I looked closer and It looked like someone was standing behind it. I swallowed hard and headed for the door until a hand grabbed mine.

"AH!" I screamed and turned around until Gerard put his hand over my mouth.

"Don't scream!!!" He said panicking in case someone heard, I calmed down and he removed his hand.

"Sorry I thought you was Mikey" I apologised, I looked at his eyes carefully and saw that he had been crying. "He compelled me to break your heart Gerard." Gerard looked up shocked.

"What? Why? Why are you scared of Mikey coming into your room?" He asked

"He wanted to feed off me" Gerard raised an eyebrow and sat down slowly. I sat next to him seeing sadness in his eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you"

"You didnt mean what you said?"

"Of course not!" I Said hugging him, he hugged me back.

"Thank god!" He laughed sniffing.

"I don't feel safe anymore... I'm scared Mikey's going to kill me" I Shuddered at the thought.

"You can come home with me, that way I can protect you"

"But that's Mikey's home so surely he would go there?"

"He doesn't want to see me, but he know's you live here so he would come here after you" He has a point.

"Okay" I said smiling, I took my bag which was already packed because of Frank. We walked to his house, Gerard very close. I felt so bad, they all loved me and I'm not sure who I love anymore since Mikey's trying to kill me.

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