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So, let me just start out with a few things.

First off, the title of this book is relevant to a lot of things. Tyler was a goner over his depression and things, Josh over being sexually abuse, and they were both goners over each other.

Also, I hope it was obvious enough that Josh didn't know what to do with Tyler for most of this story.

He wasn't ever exposed to cutting and self-harm in a way that was immediate to him, and so he ran. From everything. Josh wasn't perfect, because he was flaky and, to be frank, quite cowardly. He didn't know how to deal with himself, and in turn, didn't know how to deal with anyone else.

Josh was just there. And he contributed to the downfall of Tyler Joseph. He didn't help as much as he ruined things, and I hoped that was apparent.

Josh wasn't just a victim, because he had done some shit things, too, and Tyler didn't understand that at first. Josh kept trying to tell him that, (and Tyler kept trying to tell Josh that he really wasn't worth his time), and neither one of them listened to each other.

Oh, and let's talk about Tyler's mom, and Dennis.

Dennis didn't see the abuse that Josh went through. He saw the fact that Josh slept around, and caused someone to kill themselves. That's what they all saw. Period. Blank. End. So don't blame Dennis for that, because he didn't know. Even though that's a shit excuse.

Tyler's mom, was an interesting character. She was suffering from Tyler's dad being gone, and wasn't one for homosexuality, and, she resented Tyler because she felt she had failed as a parent. And when Tyler's depression was introduced to her, she found that she really needed to wake the hell up, and help him.

So, Tyler being gay, and Josh's dad leaving, went right back to her thinking she'd failed him as a mom. But, she got a wake up call, when he was on the goddamn bathroom floor, yeah?

So, there's the explanations for the most predominant characters :-)

Oh, and Josh took Tyler to meet his uncle, because Josh trusted Tyler a lot. It was an important thing, which is why I saved it for the epilogue.

Holy shit, this is over.

If you have any questions, ask them here, and I'll get back to you c:

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