What Just Happened?

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As we pull into the school I can see already that everyone already has their own clique. I notice people gawking at me as I come to a stop. As if they know I'm new here or something. Luckily for me I have my first period class with Rebecca. Other then that I have no idea who will be in my other classes.

Period 1- Art

Period 2- Math

Period 3- P.E.

Period 4- Lunch

Period 5- History

When I told Rebecca that I had art with her she got a huge smile on her face and in her perky voice said "That is going to be so much fun Maddy, we can.." I kind of stopped listening to her at that point. I was too deep in thought. I honestly didn't know if I was ready to go back to school yet. But it was too late for that now.

We get inside the class room and find our seats just before the tardy bell rings. I could tell right now the teacher is going to be cool. Mr. Peterson was his name, he was a husky guy with a bit of a belly on him. He wore faded blue jeans with a buttoned up grey shirt. He was sitting at his desk laid back as we went through the room introducing ourselves. I look around to get a look at every ones face. As I turned to look behind me I noticed a boy staring back at me. I quickly turned around, embarrassed that he caught me studying every ones faces.

After first period was over, I walked to math alone. As I got to the door entrance I took a deep breath preparing myself. Math was by far my worst subject ever. I could never fully pay attention in it. I find a seat next to this chubby freckle faced girl. She had hazel eyes, and red hair. She seemed just as out of place as I felt. I decided I would try and talk to her tomorrow, since today I felt way to uncomfortable to start talking to anyone yet. I looked around this classroom too. I was totally zoned out of what the teacher was saying, all I know is she seemed way too obsessed with math so I could tell me and her weren't going to get along.

As I'm looking around I notice the boy from art, who had caught me looking at him; and everyone else for that matter. He seemed to be enjoying the class even less then me. He was fast asleep on his desk, drool coming out of the side of his mouth. He looked cute, one of those pretty boys that every girl wanted. He had a light brown hair, with tannish skin. Yet everyone in Florida kind of had tan skin. He was sitting in the row next to me.

As everyone is writing down the homework I realized I came totally un prepared for school. I have no paper. Major fail on my part. I go up to the teachers desk to get a piece of paper and as I'm walking back I accident brush against the sleeping boys arm.

I feel my knees weaken and my eyes shut tight as I collapse to the floor. When I open my eyes I'm not in the class room anymore. I'm on top of a mountain over looking the ocean. It's dark but theres a full moon high above me. I can smell the ocean air; a smell i've always been fond of. Against my body there's a cool breeze leaving goosebumps on my arms. I start to wonder how I got here. I've never seen this place before in my life. As I am pondering this thought I see a body run past me and jump off the mountain screaming with joy.

"What the.." I said running to the edge of the mountain. I see the boy jump into the ocean head first. I suddenly panic praying that he's okay. I start muttering things to quietly under my breath like "please be okay." or "What just happened" When in mid panic I hear a boys laugh come up behind me. I turn around to see a boy soaking wet from head to toe. He's shirtless with water dripping off of his shorts. I give him a puzzled expression "How ...why..." He laughed as I struggled to make complete sentences. "You've never done this in a dream before?" He asked me still smiling. I look at him closely. It was the sleeping boy, the one whose in my art and math class.

"A dream?" I managed to get the words out. "What do you mean a dream? This feels so real" I said, stumbling over my words. "Most dreams do. But you've never been in one of mine before." He replied, his smile turning into the same puzzled look I had on. I laughed nervously. "I don't know how I got here." I shrugged. He just looked at me and smiled again "You're the new girl at school, in my art and math class..right?" He stretched out his hand. "Tyler. Tyler Miller." He said flashing a big smile at me that stretched from ear to ear. I practically melted when he did that. I shook his hand "Madison, but people usually call me Maddy."

As I was about to grab his hand, I was sucked out of the dream. I can hear the sound of a school bell ringing. As I open my eyes there's a crowd standing over me. I was lying in the teachers arms and as soon as they knew I was okay, everyone left to their next class. Tyler was the last to leave, still wiping the drool off of his cheek as he exited the class room. I assured the teacher that I was fine, but she sent me home anyways. Good thing too, because I really didn't want to finish the school day. I was exhausted.

The entire way from the school to my house I thought about Tyler, and how on earth I got sucked into his dream.

-I'll try and post more later. Let me know how I'm doing! :) Thanks.-

Just A DreamTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang