Just A Dream

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It  always starts out slowly. I see the sun peeking through the branches of the trees, slowly I head to the dim light. I already know what to expect. A large empty field, the greenest grass you can possibly imagine covering the ground; flowers every color popping out of the grass. I hear the sound of a stream and look up to see a beautiful icy blue pond about 6 feet away from where I stand. Birds sing a lovely song all around me. It all seems too real to me, but I've had this dream many times before. It's my favorite one.

I slowly make my way to the pond, to take my usual seat on the boulder that lies next to the water. I softly close my eyes, and I know whats coming next. Just as I feel relaxation tingling from my head down to my toe I take a deep breath, just waiting. Within about two minutes I hear leaves crackle as if being stepped on. At this point, panic always seeps through me taking me right out of my relaxed state. My eyes shoot open but I stay as still as I possibly can, just waiting for it to come closer. In the near distance more leaves are shuffling around as the sound gets closer.

 I look at the tree branches from where I came, a tall figure is standing there watching me. I take a deep breath as I watch the figure lift its arm to move the trees branches out of its way. I stand up to try and get a better look at the shadowy figure. It looks like a man, but you can never be sure in a dream. All I know is that this dream will soon end, before I get a chance to see who or what the peeping shadow is. I take another breath, trying to build up enough courage to take another step closer to it.

Just as I look down to take another step, the green grass turns black. I look up surprised, this has never happened in the dream before. The bright blue skies were turning a dull grey. The warmness of the sun left my skin and was replaced with the coldness of rain. The pond became un-still. I turn to see if the figure was still watching me, it wasn't. In its place were a dozen red eyes peering through the darkness of the trees. I could feel myself toss and turn in my bed, trying to wake myself up. Sweat is building up on my forehead.

The beautiful song the birds had been singing were also replace, by the cawing of crows. The flutter of their wings are heard above me. The dozen of eyes watching me start coming all around, giant men covered in long black coats. I can't see one of their faces. I quickly put my face in the palms of my hand, trying to let out a scream. I let out a little yelp that even I could barely hear. I peak through my fingers to see that I am now surrounded by the men in coats. I try again for the scream this time clearing my throat first. I feel a cold hand touching my shoulder, that's when the scream came out. Loud and clear.

Just A DreamOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora