Outlaws of Love Ch. 4

Start from the beginning

"Great more fags. Guess I'll have to beat the gay out ya'll,"Luka Skys one of the school's biggest homophobe said trying to punch me. "If you touch Blake I'd hate to be you."Jackson said. "Awww," all the gays and girls said. "What are you going to do? Suck me dick until it bleeds Faggot," he said.

"No asshole, i won't suck your dick if you pointed a guy to my head, only god know where's that been."Jackson said. "I dare you to touch Nate and my brother, but mostly Nate,"Nike said. "Awwww! Hey! Fuck you."I said. "Hey that's my job and it's probably the only job I love doing. We he fucks me, but that's not the point, so fuck you."Nate said kissing Nike.

"That will be my job and I never want to be fire and I will never quit, and I better not have coworkers."Jackson said. "Trust me you don't, and can we stop talking about our sex life's,"I said kissing Jackson.

The bell rang and we left. "Hey wait up,"I heard Mark say as he ran to us with Logan following him. "What?"I said. "I would like to say sorry for everything and we would like to be you friends again."Mark apologized. "Logan didn't say anything, that was only you, and yes I would love to be you friend again."I said as the other agreed. We all walked to second hour.

"Hello class, today we will be learning Sex Ed did you all get your permission slips signed?"Mr. Mere said. "Ya, but i'm gay and I think this class will not work for me and my boyfriend and friends."I said holding Jackson hand. "That's right, if anyone's is gay then go to Mr.Lakes class, lesbian then go to Mrs. Lee class, bi go to Mr. and Mrs. Wright's class, transgender then go to Mr. and Mrs. Phil's class. We all got up and walked to Mark's dad class.

The bell rang and we went to lunch. "Attention students and staff would you all please go to the gym,"The principal said on the loudspeaker. We all waked to the gym. "I have been informed that there's four new gay students. These students will not be allowed to attend prom, homecoming, and the Christmas dance, and if you are seen in school kissing you will be giving detention."The principal said.

"You can't do that, if you do then the straight students can't go either, and they can't kiss in school either,"I yelled. "And who might you be?"the principal asked. "I'm one of these students and my father is a lawer and my mother is a Judge, and I know for a fact that you are not allowed to treat us with different rules and I will be telling my parents about this, so See you in court."I said walking out.

"Hey fags where you boyfriend,"Luke (Biggest homophobe in school) said with a smirk. "Shit,"I mumbled as he punched me in the face, yelling gay slurs. I tried to fight back, but it was no used. He hit me one last time, and my vision began to go black.


Jackson's pov:

"Hey guys have you seem Luke, because I haven't seen Blake?"I asked look around. "No, I'm sure Blake's fine."Nike said. "He better be, or Luke is going to die,"I said walking away.

"Hey Jackson where's your fag of a boyfriend?"Luke taunted. "What did you do to him, god I swear if he's hurt i'm gonna kill you,"I yelled walking away to go find Blake.

I walked by Mr. Lakes class and I saw a unconscious body laying on the ground. I began to walk closer and then I let out a manly scream. I picked up Blake and ran to Mr. Lakes room.

"What happened?"Mr. Lake asked. "I don't know, but I who did this, it was Luke,"I cried looking at Blake. "Call his family, I'll call the cops and ambulance."Mr. Lake said."Hello,"Mr. Rains answered. "Met us at the hospital,"I said hanging up then calling Mrs. Rains, and the Nike and Nate.

Luke was arrested because Blake a minor and Blake's in a coma. He was sentenced 10 years in prison and 10 years in Jail, when he's out it would have had 20 year later and he is forced to move in a different state. "God I hope he drops the soup."Nike said.


"Ten minutes til visiting hours are over,"The nurse said. "Well in 20 minutes minutes my ass will still be here, I am not leaving. The only way I am leaving is if I going to jail, and it will take a hundred cops plus the whole fucking military to get me out."I said trying not to cry. Then I had memory flashback, and I started to cry. "Fine,"The nurse said, but don't make too much noise." When she lefted I turned on the tv. I fell asleep soon after.

~~~~~~~Two weeks later~~~~~~

Blake's pov:

I woke up with a bad headache. I looked around the room and I saw Jackson sleeping. "He's been here the while time, he's a keeper,"the nurse said, "so how y'all meet?"she asked.

"We been best friends since birth, I came out a couple months ago, and when I came out I kissed him, cause me gay friend was still in the closet and he was making fun of my brother and his boyfriend, and his boyfriend is my second best friend, and I was pissed at my other friend making fun of gays and that's the reason I kissed him, I was in love with him since we were seven years old. I was talking to my friend that was making fun of me and my brother and he turned me around and he kissed me. I was afraid he was just joking so I ran away. Then we started dating, and I love him."I said, "I love you too."Jackson said as he kissed me.

"Omg the so cute!"the nurse yelled. "I'm sorry, i'm just fangirling."she said, "I dated my best friend an now we're married, so I better hear that you guys are married and I want to be invited to the wedding,"the nurse said.

"That will not be happening,"Jackson dad said as he walked in the room. "And who might you be?"the nurse said, if looks can kill, Jackson's dad would be dead. "I'm this boy's father and I'm here to take him."his dad said.

"Dad, you not my father anymore, and i'm not leaving, so you can go, and by the way if I want to marry Blake then I will marry Blake."Jackson said kissing me. "Sir you need to leave,"the nurse said. "Jackson you can still get help and forget about this boy, this isn't love."his dad said. "Dad you don't know what love is, you cheated on mom, you walked out on her, you wouldn't know love, if it hit you in the face."Jackson said looking at his father. "My son is no ta fags,"his dad said. "Well than i'm not your son, now GTFO.


A/N: Hey guys I just got me computer fixed, so ya. Man the computer versoin is wwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyy different from the ios versoin. hope you like this chapter please vote, comment and share.I'm making a trailer

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