Part 21:Forever And Ever

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soul pov

I am not going to school today. I can't. I don't even want to get out of bed. Maka isn't coming back. She won't. S-she. Sigh I don't know. All I know is that I miss her terribly. All I can think of is her. And what could be happening to her right now. I never wanted her to get hurt. Ever. But I let that happen. I don't want to feel this pain anymore. I want it to stop. I know how to make it stop. I stand up and walk to the bathroom. I grab some random pills and go to the kitchen. I get a glass of water. I walk to makas room and grab a picture of me and her. I sit in the living room. I look at the picture and start to cry. I take the pills and take five at a time. I stare at the picture. I cry even more. I am waiting for everything to stop. I start to get dizzy. I try to stand up but fall. I hear the front door open. It was maka.

"maka!" Maka looks at the empty pill bottle. She looks at me and starts crying.

"soul! I'm here!" She runs over to me, but I can't see her anymore. All I can hear is her calling my name. Then nothing. Just silence. Like my dream. When I tried to help maka she disappeared. Then she came back, but dark shadow was pulling me in. Death.

why did I do this?


i wake up and hear beeping. I open my eyes and see maka and a nurse. She smiles and kisses me.

"I'm here. I'm never leaving again! I'm staying! I love you!"

"I love you too" I push her hair behind her ears. I look at the nurse. "what happened?"

"you took a lot of pills. But your lucky maka came. She helped you throw them all up. She saved your Life. Your alright. Just don't do that again. I could kill you." The nurse leaves. Maka looks at me. She smiles. I kiss her again. She giggles.

"I'm so sorry soul. I was so blind!"

"its ok. Lets just forget about all of that. Alright?" I cut her off.

"ok. Heh. Your so handsome."

"and your so beautiful" I tell maka and she hugs me. We go home and we lay down in bed. We cuddle for awhile until i break the silence.

"will you stay with me forever and ever?"

"haha forever and ever my love!" I kiss her forehead. I fall asleep.


thank you guys for reading my story! I really appreciate it! Comment below what you think. And comment if you think I should make a second book. Thanks again. Love you guys! Hej då! ⌒.⌒

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