Soren thought silently for a minute before yelling at the door behind them, "What were we supposed to be talking about?"

A shout came back, "Goddess sake, Soren. Parents, consent, limitations, any of this ringing a bell?"

Michael tilted his head curiously but with a mischievous glint in his eyes, "Are we really going to talk about parents, consent and limitations? I was thinking we could talk more about favorite colors or superheroes."

"No, no, no," Jamie came stomping into the room, "You two have to talk about this now before you really get into the relationship."

"Do we?" Michael asked, his tone airy and relaxed but at the same time, defiant, "I think we can talk about it later when we're somewhere a bit more private. Preferably somewhere without a chaperone."

Jamie sputtered angrily, "You need to talk about this now."

Michael quirked an eyebrow, silently asking, do I?

"Okay, maybe not now, but today," Jamie conceded.

"Yeah but the whole conversation would be such a buzz kill," Michael drawled, "Maybe we'll just talk about it tomorrow. What do you say, Sorbear?" He played with the man's hair, drawing his fingers through the thick black strands almost soothingly. "Do you want to talk about it today?"

Soren hummed contently under his fingers, "No, tomorrow is fine."

"Soren," Jamie gasped, "You're being manipulated by a sixteen year old boy."

Soren just shrugged and pulled Michael until he was practically in his lap. "I don't mind. Besides, I'd prefer for this to just be between me and my love as well. As he said, we don't need a chaperone."

"You do," Jamie argued. "Who knows how much control you'll have if we leave you alone."

"I will have complete control of myself for Michael's sake," Soren's voice was cold and sure, "Do not doubt my love for him, James."

Jamie's eyes flew to Michael's face, searching for some sign of discomfort. A man had just claimed to be in love with him even though he barely knew him. The normal reaction was to freak out at least a bit, maybe rethink their course of actions. But no. Michael didn't blink an eye at it.

"Jamie," Evelyn appeared at the door, "He's right. We will trust him to keep himself under control. It is unfair for us to dictate his love life because he is more... fierce than most."

"Fierce," Michael laughed, "This teddy bear?" He nuzzled Soren's cheek affectionately, "Never."

"Michael, I must tell you, for your safety," Soren's eyes was downcast and ashamed, "I do have violent tendencies. I would never hurt you and I don't want you to fear me but it is best that you know in case I, as James calls it, act up."

Michael just shook his head with a fond smile, "Violent tendencies practically runs in my family. Just tell me how to calm you down and we'll have nothing to worry about."

Soren stared down at Michael as if he was an angel straight from heaven. He whispered breathlessly, "Oh, my beautiful Michael..."

Jamie used the moment to retreat, knowing he thoroughly lost this battle to Soren's mate. He motioned for Evelyn to follow as he went out to the back of the house, putting enough space between them and Soren so their conversation wouldn't be overheard.

"I don't trust him," he muttered, "Something about this just isn't right."

Evelyn's head tilted questioningly and she motioned for him to explain.

"Isn't he taking this a bit too well? A guy that he just met claims to love him and he's sitting there like he already knew. Human kids usually freak out when they hear that. Even some pack kids would freak out, even if it was their mate saying it. Why isn't he?"

"Maybe he believes in love at first sight," Evelyn suggested with a wry smile. "Some humans still believe in soulmates, you know, especially younger ones."

"Okay, maybe," he conceded, "But 'violent tendencies run in my family'? That's a pretty weird thing to say, especially for a kid as small and 'innocent' as that. What's if he's," Jamie lowered his voice even further, "a hunter? Or a hunter kid or something like that? He would know about mates."

Evelyn's expression darkened significantly. "That's a heavy claim, Jamie."

"I know but it's a possibility and what if he is? The pack could be in danger."

"We will have some research done on his family," Evelyn conceded. "For now, keep your speculations to yourself."

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