Chapter 20 - Jealousy

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"Felix!" I giggle, jumping in an attempt to grab my torch from his ginormous hands. We should probably me more cautious, but I doubt anyone would care if our hands burned off.

We where searching the island for the body of a small boy we'd once known, and all kept in our hearts. I can't say the thought of Oscar doesn't bring tears to my eyes, because then I'd be lying.

"If you want it, you have to get it" he chuckles, tugging the torch higher into the air till he's left standing on his tippy toes.

"When you're ready come and get it" I sing, pulling a weird face and swaying my hips. I watch as he laughs, although he seems entranced by my 'dance'. I shake my head, rolling my eyes and letting a small laugh leave my lips.

"We have to get going Felix, and unless you want me to fall face first into a poisonous bush, I would give me back my torch" I sigh, putting my hands on my hips and staring at him in an attempt to intimidate him. It was hard though as he was twice my size, held a giant baseball bat over his shoulder AND he had more muscle on him than a wild bear.

"Fine" he sighs in mock defeat, as we both chuckled heavily. Felix was a pretty good person, although he found it hard trusting. Well, according to the other boys anyway. He seemed pretty quick to trust me.

"You know you love me" I chuckle, throwing a mock wink and blowing a kiss. He knew damn well I was taken, he just threw a wink in my direction for fun. But that didn't stop Peter from turning around and glaring darkly at him.

"Hands off" he growls in a huff, raising his torch higher in the air to get a better view of Felix and I's faces.

"Woah, calm down there Pete. We're only kidding around" laughs Felix breathily. It was obvious he was nervous, he just didn't want to show it.

"And kidding around can go much further. So don't let me see you 'kidding around' again" scowls the jealous boy, turning swiftly and stomping off.

I roll my eyes at his stupidity, snatching my torch from Felix's hand and stomping after the obviously jealous piper.

"You know, we could go places with this. We could tease him throughout the day, act like we're flirting. Give him an actual reason to be jealous" laughs Felix, although it was obvious he was being serious. I thought about it for a moment, quickly deciding against it.

"Do you want to get killed?" I chuckle, continuing my walk forward when I hear Felix's heavy footsteps behind me. Although I didn't have a great way of showing it, I truly did care for his and all the other boys safety.

"Well it's not on the top of my list of 'things I want to do', but I'm sure it'd be worth it to see Peter being grumpy" he laughs, obviously thinking through the image. It was quite a funny sight as he wasn't normally this kind of angry.

"You know what...." I trail, turning around and popping my hip. Felix raises an eyebrow, obviously intrigued.

I knew I was going to regret my decisions later, as Peter could either be a hot mess or a just a straight up mess when angry/jealous.

"Sure. Let's do it"


"Felix!" I yell dramatically, slapping his arm and giggling wildly.

We both knew damn well that if we kept this up we'd get killed, but it was funny to see Peter so grumpy. I would feel guilty, but he hasn't given me a reason to be. He's doing what any normal boyfriend would do. Wait.... Boyfriend?

"Yes m'lady" he chuckles, his eyes flashing crazily and you could tell he was enjoying himself.

"Honestly, you are the funniest guy around!" I say over dramatically (once again), batting my eyelashes and sending a few winks in his direction every now and then.

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