Chapter 17 - The Boy Below The Ocean (Part One)

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"Oh Scarlett" whispers Peter in my ear softly.

I'm not sure how long we'd sat here for. On the shore of the ocean, tangled together in a tight knot. He held me to his chest as I sobbed loudly, whispering soothing words into my ear as I thought about the boy below the ocean waves.

"Do you think he's happier?" I ask him softly, making his eyebrows crunch together in confusion. It takes him a moment to think through what I've said, but his reply is short and enough to keep me quiet and calm.


I smiled sheepishly, and looked off towards the ocean. The smell of salty water and the warm beach breeze against my skin had always helped calm me back home. For some reason it helped even more here.

I pulled myself even closer to Peter while he spoke softly in my ear. Oh how I'll miss Oscar. But I know he'd never want me to be upset. I turn towards Peter with a soft smile tugging at my lips. He raises his hand and gently wipes away my tears, making my smile brighten, if possible.

Placing a small kiss to my temple and giving me one last tight squeeze, he carefully stands up leaving me to feel cold and alone.

"Where are you going?" I ask him, my voice hoarse. I take a hold of his hand, making him turn around. He smiles sheepishly before speaking.

"I have something big planned for tonight. I'll be back in a few hours, I promise. You should go back to camp and get to know the new boy" he smiles, leaning in to kiss my cheek before turning around and walking along the soft sand.

I sigh loudly, getting up on shaky legs. What will I do now?

I think for a moment before deciding to take Peters advice and get to know the new kid. He seems kind. But I'm not sure he'll trust me. His family obviously don't.

I walk light footed-ly over to the woods, the rough forest floor rubbing harshly against my bare feet. I think Peter used some weird spell to teleport my shoes back to camp and only realised what a bad idea it was when he'd already cast it.

I sigh once again before trudging through the forest path and pushing past thick branches. Sticks and twigs that lay on the ground below me continuously scraped at my ankles.

"That little boy must have a lot of worth. Peter seems very happy to have him here" I mumble before hissing loudly as a branch from above scrapes my wrist.

"Bloody hell" I groan, grabbing my hand tightly before continuing on my way. I could feel thick blood dripping down my arm, though I decided to ignore it.

I can hear the Lost Boys off in the distance somewhere, but I'm not sure which direction the noise is coming from.

I trudge grumpily past a toadstool and a pixie hut, jumping stealthily over a fallen tree even though I'm not in the mood for jumping and dancing. Why did Peter have to leave me back at the beach? I was at peace in his arms, so why'd he walk away?

The path splits into 4 at this part of the trail, and my gut instinct is telling me to go left, but my logical way of thinking is telling me to take the closest one to me.

Deciding to take the logical route, I carry on walking straight ahead and end up walking into a tree while investigating an owl as it flew by.

"Oh for goodness sake" I hiss in pain, grabbing at my forehead lightly and feeling for a bump. There was sure to be a giant bruise left there.

I really was causing myself a lot of pain today.

Groaning in both annoyance and pain, I force myself up into my feet and turn around quickly, gaining a big fright when I see a person standing in front of me.

Broken Masterpiece • (Peter Pan / OUAT) • Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя