Part One

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«It should be about happiness, always»

That was what he said when he left me. He said he loved me, just not enough to be happy. He didn't love me the way he loved that other girl he had been out and about with, while I was sitting at home, studying like crazy. He said he'd had more fun with her. I told him it was okay. He could do what he wanted to do. He was 19 years old. I sat on the phone crying silently as I spoke.

"Babe, please don't cry. You have to understand why I do this" he said, obviously feeling bad.

"I understand, Luke. Do what you have to do. I'm not worth your time anyway, that was what I told you from the start, but you just kept lying to yourself. I knew this would happen eventually," I answered, my crying had stopped slightly. I was just extremely disappointed.

He sighed deeply. "Andrea, please. I'm begging you. Don't make this a big deal to yourself," he begun, and was on his way to go on when I cut him off.

"No! No, I won't. My boyfriend just told me he'd been cheating on me for the past month while being halfway around the globe, but still acting like there was nothing wrong when he came home last week. I swear I won't cry. THAT'S NOTHING TO CRY ABOUT IS IT?" I now yelled.

I couldn't take this anymore. I took the phone from my ear, looking at his picture on the screen for a second, before I literally got sick. I threw my phone harshly on the bed before running off to the toilet to throw up. The pleasure somehow found its way up my throat with it, and I felt so much better straight away.

Walking back into my room, I heard Luke crying out my name from the phone. It had somehow turned itself on speaker, so I could hear him beg my name.

"Please, I know you can hear me, just answer me" he kept saying, and I heard that he was crying.

"I didn't mean for things to end like this, babe, it's just that... I just experienced how to be genuinely happy, and I can't force myself to be with you when I'm not that happy," he explained.

I ran across the room and hit the red button on the phone, now crying again. He called me back up immediately, but I turned my phone off. He had said all I needed to hear, so I didn't see the point in letting him destroy me even more. I legit loved that bloke, and hearing him say what he just had, ripped me in a way I didn't even know was possible.

About two minutes later, mum knocked my door, letting herself in without hesitation.

"Hey honey, Luke wanted to talk to you," she told me sweetly, holding out her phone, on her way over to me.

"No, mum! I don't want to talk to him anymore, just leave it. I can't handle being broken to even more pieces right now" I sighed, and this time the phone was so close to me, I could hear him sob.

"But darling, he's crying really badly," mum tried again.

"Yeah, I know that, and you clearly can't see that I do too. This entire thing is his fault, so don't you dare," I told her. My angriness scared her, I could see it.

"Leave me alone," I added, looking away. I tried my best to stay calm. Mum and I both hated each other being mad, but right now, she was begging for it.

"Are you sure, sweetie?" she asked again.

"YES MUM, I AM FUCKING SURE. CAN'T YOU SEE I'M IN ENOUGH PAIN?"  I yelled at her, and she jumped at my sudden volume change.

"I'm literally crying more than I ever have, and I can't even finish my own sentences. Can't you get that I don't want to be hurt even more?" I asked her again, as she started to get it.

"Sorry" she told me before pulling her phone away from me, bringing it up to her ear again.

"Luke? I am sorry darling. I can't let you talk to my daughter right now, she is clearly affected about something you've said or done, but try again later, will you?" she told him, sounding heartbroken herself.

She then listened to something he said, and reacted.

"Oh, I'm so sorry you heard all that."

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