Chapter 4

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I dance to the music as the other bridesmaids stand in position. They watch me like I'm crazy. I don't know them but I guess Lizzy must like them pretty well to make them her bridesmaids.
Lizzy walks in and instantly joins me. The other girls look at her like she's crazy. The song goes off and then I hear the sob. I look over at Lizzy and she's crying. Why is she crying?
"Lizzy, what's wrong?" I kneel beside her and she's smiling but there's tears.
"I'm getting married..I'm so happy. I-I'm just so happy." She says. I wrap my arms around her and eventually we're all crying. I stand up, letting out a big sigh. I needed to cry.
"I'm going to go get my camera, you guys finish rehearsal."
The summer air is refreshing.
"Hey, Danielle, right?"
I look up and Lana shakes her blonde hair. She's older but still pretty.
"Yeah. Hey, you're Lloyd, right?"
I almost bust out laughing but I hold it in. Luke would've died.
"Lana. Lloyd is a guy's name. Nice seeing you."
I roll my eyes, walking off. Wait till I tell Luke about this, forget it, the camera can wait. I make a detour to the guys side of the rec center. Luke is bench pressing instead of rehearsing.
"Oh, I'm telling." I say. He jumps, almost dropping it on his body. The other guys haven't arrived yet or they just decided to not work out.
"Don't, you know that stuff is boring. Please?" He says wiping sweat from his brow.
"Thats not why I'm here. So I'm going to get my camera and guess who I see."
"This is going to be good."
I nod my head a huge smile on my face.
"I see Lana. She's says my name like she can't remember but it's the right name. So I go Lloyd, right? She makes the ugliest face oh my god."
I stop laughing and follow his finger. Grey eyes show me pure anger. Luke holds in a laugh and at this point I don't care. I laugh harshly in those pools of grey.
"Still immature." He mutters. I shrug not interested in conversation. The same old Joe, hasn't aged a bit besides the gruff around his face. It looks good.
"We'll talk later, Luke. I promise."
I roll my eyes at the brown hair.
So much for in and out.

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