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At some point, I must have either passed out or fallen asleep, because I woke up feeling pressure on my body. Panicking, I thought I was back at the lab.

When really, they were just white, black, and purple modern-looking bed sheets. I looked around, and I saw a warm mantelpiece, that had a small statue of The Lord in the center, and vacation photos on either side. There were  curtains flowing from the large window to my right, and other varying shades of purple corresponding with the bed sheets.

"Are you finally awake?" a worried woman said, and I flinched and whipped around to see her.

She had parted long auburn hair, and green eyes. She was a very petite woman, only standing about five and a quarter feet tall. The woman appeared to be in her mid-thirties. "Do you feel okay? I was walking downtown and saw you in an alleyway," she relayed back to me. "I've made you soup. Are you hungry?"

"Yes..." I answered weakly. She walked over and propped up my pillows, and leaned me against them so I was in a seated position.

"Here you are..." she said, setting a tray holding chicken noodle soup with rosemary in front of me.

"Thank you," I said politely.

"Is she awake?" a man yelled from the hallway.

"Yes darling, she is."

A man ran from down the hall, coming into the room. He had a very handsome, young face with an average build, bleach blonde hair and chestnut eyes.

"Hello there. And what may your name be?" he asked, crouching next to the bed. He looked like he was in his mid-thirties as well.

"Allia," I replied after I swallowed. "Please excuse me, but is it just you two that live here?" I wondered.

"If you mean do we have any children, then no; just us two live here. We weren't able to have kids." The woman looks down, but he says it, joyful and grinning. "But we always have wanted kids. Mind if I ask a question?"


"Allia, do you remember where you came from?" he questioned. I gazed down. What would I tell them? I couldn't tell them what actually happened. Also, what about my hair? It was white. I couldn't say that I'm albino, or I'd have red eyes. But, I could just say I bleached it. I'd just have to wing it.

"I don't know. I think I might have amnesia," I fibbed. I really hoped they believe it.

The man looked a little puzzled, and stood up. "Hmmm... That is awfully unfortunate. Do you remember anything?"

"No. Nothing."

"Your age?"

"Sixteen. That's all I know. I was born on the seventeenth of May."

The woman spoke up. "Allia? Do you have any family?" I shook my head. She looked a little saddened.

"We could take you to a orphanage, or try and find your real parents," she suggested.

I really don't want to go to an orphanage. It'd only be a step up from that lab I was in. And, if we did find my real parents by some miracle, they'd go insane, saying their daughter was killed in a car accident. The blonde man stepped forward, and said, "Allia, would you like to stay here? You can if you want. We already called the police to see if you matched any current missing persons, but you don't. So we can file to have custody over you, if you would like." He wrapped his arm around the woman.

I really had nowheres else to go, and I did want to stay there. They seemed nice... But, they might be madmen. I didn't know them. For all I knew, they picked up kids like me every day and murdered them.

I almost dropped my spoon.

"But you don't have to!" the woman reassured. "We actually... Already called to affirm if we qualified for custody," she admitted sheepishly. "We have no criminal records, and have adequate jobs. We are in good health, and have no mental problems and no history of any debilitating diseases. We have no history of traumatic events that could have affected us." She looked back up at me with her green eyes.

"Don't worry. We qualify, and we've always wanted kids. Especially a daughter. And, to be honest, I'm not sure that I want to let a small girl like yourself go. How would you handle yourself?"

I took breath, and everyone stayed silent. I let it out, and swallowed.

"I would love to stay," I said, smiling, and finished the last of my soup. Both of them looked ecstatic almost immediately.

"Then you can call us... Alexandra and Travis!" she said, clapping her hands. I smiled at her contentment, and how happy she looked to finally have a "child."

"Absolutely," I agreed while she took away the tray.

"You should get some rest. And don't worry, there's nothing to be scared of. You're safe now," Alexandra said.

It was like she knew that I didn't trust anyone easily, and felt that when I woke up, I'd be back in the lab. But, I'd be alright. After all, the people who worked in the lab can't come find me. The government probably didn't know about their work, or else it would be illegalized. And they couldn't just come and take me, if I were to refuse them.

After Travis and Alexandra left the room to let me rest, I closed my eyes and had a dream that I never wanted to end.

I was walking through fluffy, golden clouds, feeling like satin between my toes. I kept aimlessly walking until I heard a voice above me.

"Allia!" I looked towards the direction the voice was coming from, and my eyes welled up with tears.

"Jaymi!" I screamed. He was floating above me, with creamy white wings sprouting from his back, contrasting his dark, and still scruffy, hair. He actually made it to heaven. I knew he would.

He flew down and I ran at him, his face covered in a full-bown grin.

"I'm so proud of you. You've managed to accomplish the impossible. I can't explain how grateful I am. You even have a family," he said, placing his hands on my shoulders. "You can stop worrying about me, Allia. No one can hurt me now. Thank you for being strong in the worst of times. Because you were able to escape, I have no regrets. Now, my soul can truly move on. I know it was hard for you." Jaymi pulled me forward into an embrace.

"Jaymi, why did you have to die?" I tenderly asked.

"Allia, I didn't have to. But I knew from the moment I had that experiment, I knew that I would."

"Jaymi..." I mumbled, closing my eyes. "I missed you," I said, biting my lip to keep from crying. I held him tighter, clenching my hands.

"It's okay... You're okay now," he mumbled into my hair, tracing the Y shaped scar on my back with his hand repeatedly. I started sniffling.

"But when you die, don't be afraid like I was. Know that I will be waiting for you here. Know that... I will never have left, because Allia... I think I might love you," he whispers, and held me tighter. His warm hand still traced the scar on my back.

"Now... goodbye, Allia" he murmured, and leaned back. His hand tilted my chin up, and his lips tenderly touched mine, as the clearing slowly faded white while we kissed.

I woke up in bed, a stray tear on my cheek. I still felt the warmth from Jaymi's lips, and his warm touch on my back from when he was rubbing the scar. I rolled over and looked over my shoulder, at my back, to see it was flawless and had no remnants of a scar ever being there. My lips curved into a smile, and another tear fell down my pale cheek.

"I love you too, Jaymi."

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