Hello (Adele)

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IMAGINE: Kath and Deej as ex-lovers

Balengskidoo this one's dedicated to you, labyu ;*
'Do you really need to break up with him Kath? can you do it?'

'Yes, because I have to' another lie coming from her, because she needs everyone to believe her

'really? ,cause your actions says otherwise, why won't do you try a long distance relationship with him'

'because I can't, it's too complicated' I said with resignation.

'I hope you won't regret this decision of yours'

'I won't' I hope so

'so when are you going to break up with him?'


'why so early?'

'because the earliest the better, so wish me luck'   I said with a faint smile on my face


The night dragged on, while I'm thinking what will I say to break his heart,  on this night which is supposed to be a happy night for the both of  us because it's our 5th anniversary. He surprised me by bringing me to this restaurant at the top of the highest building in the city, where you can see the city beneath you and the beautiful city lights

We finished already the food served to us, and we're just killing time by sipping wine while having our usual talks, but tonight it's much different  because I just sat there across watching him as he talks animatedly about our plans, savoring it because maybe this will be the last time I'll see him like this (supposed plans because I decided to have my own plans). And as I watch him, I can't help but feel my heart twinge and tighten, it's not damn easy to try break his heart, the guy who's my first love and maybe my true love too, but I had too. I know I'm being stupid by doing this.

'Love are you alright?' I will miss him calling me love

'yes' I said to him in a small voice

'are you sure, cause you've been awfully quiet the whole night, tell me is there something wrong?'  stop being like that please you're just making it harder for me that's what I wanted to say, but I just shook my head, well this is it Kath you need to do it now. I look at him again (even if it's so damn hard to)

'Deej I,  I mean we should break up' I watch his face turn with a cold hard look, his eyes searching my face maybe trying to see if I was just joking (I had to look away)

'look at me Kath, and tell me why would you want that'

'I, I'm breaking up with you because I need to, for myself'

'for yourself?, what have I done to make you do this?'

'because I need to be away from you, for me to be able to grow without being too dependent on you' keep it together Kath, don't cry now

'that's your reason?' He scoffed


'I'm not accepting your reason, so stop it, let's go and talk about this tomorrow'  standing up and pulling me up from my seat too

'no I said I'm breaking up with you!' 

'but I'm not saying yes!'

'stop being selfish Deej, just let me go'

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