Everybody has somebody but me (Hunter Hayes)

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note: do check out my other stories if you like photograph and this love , thanks a bunch

and this is for @RainingMe @theresemarieticar05 @AimLouise @marymayO6 @chivalier08 @xoxo_ayeesha


"One Java Chip Venti for Kate" the barista called, and she stands and approaches the counter, she was about to grab it, when she notices a hand holding it on the other side, her brow raised to see it was a guy

"excuse me, can you get your hands off my java chip"

"why don't you do it?" as if challenging her

"so tell me is your name Kate too?" her tone mocking


The barista notices the ruckus and approaches them

"is there any problem here? ma'am? sir?"

"well this guy's a deaf"

"stop there missy, he called Kade nd my name's Kade so this is mine" he even gave emphasis on his, while she's trying hard not to laugh at him, but a giggle escape from her

"well Kade, look at this" pointing at writte name at the side, he looks at it and his brows furrowed realizing his foolishness, and his grip loosen " see that it's Kate not Kade alright you should clean your ears next time mister" as she struts off back to her seat, stealing a glance at him, while he glared at her before storming out of the coffee shop

She just shook her head, and continues reading the book she brought, almost halfway throught when her phone started ringing, Arisse's face on the screen

"hey what's up?"

"are you up for a group date?" her face crunched up

"well" she said with hesitation cause she'll be the odd one out with everyone with their partners by their side, heaving a sigh "could I say no?, I need to catch up on my novel readings" wishing that friend will believe her excuse

"Kate don't we both know you've got a whole month free for that"


"Kaaaaate just this once please" cringing as her bestfriend uses that tone

"fine, fine"

"yipeee so meet you at 5 at your condo?"

"do I have to say on this?"

"no, so see yah later bye love you"

"love you too, bye"

Taking a last sip of her java chip then leaving the coffee shop, and decides to take a stop at a bookshop nearby by stop means two hours for her, buying all the lates books of her favorite authors and since it's still early went to mall and watched a movie, got home at 30 minutes before 5

And a tad bit surprised to see them , yes all of them on her couch waiting for her, well she was anticipating this one to happen

"hey guys why are you all here?" asking no one in particular

"well we've decided that the guys would fetch us from here since it much nearer to the bistro" Arisse answered her, and that got her thinking, where would she hitch up?

"hey Kate are you listening?" Pamu pats her

"ah what?"

"you should sit down first Katey" Trina suggested

"spill it already guys"

"here's the thing you'll be Trina's cousin date tonight"

"what?!" looking at them wide eyed

Probability of Kismet | one shotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon