2- A New Kid

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The young brown haired girl stared at the older boy before her, stretching her finger out to poke him in the face. The boy just lifted his hand and brushed the finger away, mumbling something about it being too early. She grinned evilly and stood up, picking a glass full of water off the night stand and holding it over the boy’s head. “Dexter you have three minutes to get up before you’ll surely be late to school, and since mom left me in charge of getting you up, don’t expect me not to do this.” She said, hoping he would wake up. He didn’t. “Fine, but remember, you brought this on yourself.”

She let the cup spin in her hand, and watched as the water spilled out onto Dexter’s face. And with that, he was up. Springing up from the bed he gasped and shook the water out of his brown hair. Water dripped off of his face and glared over at her. “You little twerp.” He hissed, his eyes, to her at least, glowing in pure anger. Dexter was known for his psychotic rages when he woke up, earning himself the nickname ‘Evil Demon Lord’ throughout his family. However Amy, his little sister, was even worse than him, so this didn’t affect her.

“Get up; you’re going to be late. I’d say you have about two minutes now before you won’t be able to make it on time.” He suddenly snapped awake, not bothering with the water still on him, and grabbed the alarm clock on his night stand. She was right. Throwing the covers off his body he scrambled out of bed and pushed her out of the room.

Reluctantly she moved her feet and stood at the door as he slammed it on her, yelling a curse at the top of his lungs. “Shit! I’m gonna’ be late—Damn it Amy, now I have to clean up this water!” He could be heard thumping around inside his room, changing out of his night clothes and slipping on school clothes.

Outside the door Amy was making fun of him and telling him she ‘told him so’. “I hope you’re late, this is what you get for staying out till ten thirty!” She said. Normally he’d be angry, but for some reason that morning he couldn’t help but smile. She’s growing up just like mom, bossing me around. He remembered when his dad was still around and his mother didn’t work so often. She would be there in the morning telling him practically the same thing Amy was telling him then. Although it more that he stayed up playing video games rather than staying out at the park all night.

Throwing the door open his pushed past his sister and grabbed the backpack up off the floor. Their house seemed to get smaller and smaller as the days went on. First they’d lived in a decent sized two story house with a basement. Then there was the one story house that reminded him of a trailer. And lastly, the one they were in at the time was the four bedroom apartment that left little to be desired. He waved goodbye to her and slipped out the door, hearing as she told him to take something for breakfast. “No time!” He yelled back, stomping down the steps of the complex and onto the sidewalk below.

As he made his way down the alley of the two complexes that formed the large section of apartments he heard someone call his name. Oh god no. He thought, knowing that he was already going to be late. “Dexter! Dexter my boy!” He stopped, and slowly turned around to see the shorter older man known as Mr. Tale. He was a teacher at Dexter’s old middle school, a nice man overall, but always seemed to try his hardest to make Dexter’s life just that much harder. The man had a huge smile on his face and his hands behind his back. Luckily, since Dexter was taller than him, he just looked over the man’s shoulder to see a wrench. “I have a favor to ask.” Mr. Tale said, smiling widely.

“Oh no, I can’t, you see I’ll be late-“

“Nonsense! I’ll give you a ride myself, just please come help me tighten the new pipes on the old sink will ya’?” Dexter sighed, and let the older man drag him along towards his apartment. Damn you Mr. Tale, I already have four tardies. But it was too late, by then he had no choice but to help the man, if he didn’t he would have to still walk to school and he’d most likely be late. But in all honesty, it was just another day in the life Dexter Harper.

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