Chapter 24- Save me

Start from the beginning

Skye's POV:

I'm still taped to the ground and it's the next day. I even watched the sun rise this morning. I guess I could be in a worse position. I could be in a dark room without windows chained to the wall. That would hurt much more than lying down as I am now.

All of a sudden, I hear a car door slam. Gary gets up and peers out of the blinds before closing them.

He hurries over to me and without warning rips the tape off. I scream on accident before he can cover my mouth, but his dirty hand muffles the rest.

I'm in deep shit again.

"Listen, rat. I'm only gonna say this once. Go hide, quick, and hide well, or I swear I'll torture you to death." He spits, pulling me up off of the ground.

Three more car doors slam as he speaks.

I do just as he says, sprinting to Cassie's room and hiding in her closet. Since she's gone, it's mostly empty except for a mound of old clothes she didn't take with her. I cover myself with the clothes, making sure I can still breathe but that I'm not visible.

Then, I shake. The tears to cry won't come, so instead I hyperventilate and shake and panic. Whoever is out there is coming to kill me. If they find me, I'll be dead. Either they will kill me on the spot or they'll let Gary torture me to death. I hope it's fast.

Ashton's POV:

When we got to Skylynn's, there was already a cop car parked nearby. The other cop had arrived. Officer Fitz greeted him before parking adjacent to his car and getting out. He had asked us to stay in the car, but Mr. Tomlinson decided otherwise and got out after him so I followed suit.

"Fine then. Stay outside, though, unless I instruct you otherwise. You have to trust me, here." Officer Fitz tells us.

I can tell that Mr. Tomlinson still doesn't completely believe the officer, but he follows his instructions nonetheless.

I watch as Officer Fitz approaches the front door with his buddy and rings the doorbell before knocking.


No answer.

They announce that they're going to break down the door unless it is opened, and then they follow through before disappearing into the house.

Skye's POV:

I hear muffled yelling and then a loud slam. It kind of sounded like someone breaking down the front door. I wondered what Gary was doing. Was he hiding too?

I didn't have to wonder long. I heard more screaming, this time coming from Gary and much louder.


I hear another slam, but this one is lighter. I adjust the clothing so I can hear better. I can almost make out the sound of metal clinking.

"Sir, you're under arrest for withholding a minor from education." Someone, who must have been a cop, started before reading the Miranda rights to him.

"YOU HAVE NO PROOF! Maybe I just wanted to spend a nice vacation with my sexy niece! I guess it doesn't even matter, she was a whore anyways!" Gary's voice got more and more distant as he continued.

Eventually, I couldn't make out what he was saying, until the last thing he said.

Louis' POV:


I heard him before I saw him. His words were so cold I got goosebumps. I hope he wasn't talking about Skylynn.

That must be her uncle. I was a little shocked to see him being pulled out of the house in handcuffs, to say the least. I know that's what we came here for, but I didn't think...

"Where's Skylynn?" Ashton asked quietly, interrupting my thoughts.

Good question.

Skye's POV:

For the first time in my life, I prayed.

I've never been a religious person. Sure, I've been to the services, but it never clicked with me. By the time I could understand the scriptures, I'd already decided there was no God. If there was, I'd decided, I wouldn't be getting raped and hit by my own family.

Now, I prayed like there was no tomorrow, because I was sure there wouldn't be if the cops found me.
I've always hated cops. They think they're doing the right thing but really, my life gets worse and worse after every encounter with them.

I heard footsteps.

I prayed harder.

The closet opened.

It wasn't working.

And then...

"Hey, Fitz! I found her!"

Ashton's POV:

Officer Fitz came jogging outside. They'd called in another cop to take Skylynn's uncle away so that they could search the house for her, so now him and the other officer were supposed to be in the house looking.

He'd asked if we wanted to join in his search, but I quickly declined and Mr. Tomlinson did too. Seeing her uncle scared me. I didn't want to admit it out loud, but I was afraid if I went in there to look for her, I wouldn't find her alive.

"We found her." Officer Fitz huffs out.

"You did? That's great!" Mr. Tomlinson says excitedly.

"Is she okay?" I ask, not exactly sure if I wanted to hear the answer.

"She's alive." Is all he said.

Louis' POV:

Officer Fitz told us that Skylynn was resisting the other officer, and it might help if she saw some familiar faces. I quickly agreed to go see her, but Ashton hesitated a little. I patted his shoulder comfortingly, as if to tell him everything would be okay. She's alive.

Ashton eventually agreed to go in as well, so Officer Fitz led us into the house and into what appeared to be a little girl's room.

"She's in the closet," He told us. "She won't come out, and we don't want to force her right now."

As we entered the room, the other officer stepped back, shaking his head. That's encouraging.

I was the first to make my way over to the closet. At first, I didn't even see her, before I realized she was buried under all of the clothes.

"Skye? It's me. Mr. Tomlinson." I start.

Skye's POV:

"You're okay. We found you. Ashton's here, too." Mr. Tomlinson continues.

No. No, no, no, no, no.

They can't see me like this.

I'm weak. I'm broken. I'm hideous. They are the only people on this planet that still care about me, and they won't after they see what I look like.

I'm a lost cause. I'm a good-for-nothing bitch. Why did they even go into the trouble of looking for me?
I thought I wanted help, but I realize I wanted a different kind of help. I wanted someone to off me, not save me.

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