04| Shop 'til you drop

Começar do início

"Okay children, go look around with the lists I've given you all. Arthur and I will go get Kaitlyn's money," she says while holding her hand out for my key, I give it to her. "Stay safe, we'll be back in a jiffy."

"Come on, guys, ice cream's on me." Harry says to us all. Fred and George had already ran off. We all walk together in a tight knit line, other Hogwarts students I don't recognize walk past and stare and me and whisper to each other. Nobody recognizes me, especially with some of the most famous kids at the school.

Hermione notices this and whispers to me, "They're good stares."


Molly comes back with my galleons, knuts, and sickles. The first store we go to is Quality Quidditch Supplies, where we all go gaga over the broomstick stuff. I pull out my Fireboat voucher, and then my bag of wizard money. I overhear Ginny sighing about still having a sucky broom. I know she's on the Quidditch team, and the Weasleys are poor. "Ginny."

"Yeah, Kate?"

"I want you to have this." I pull out the voucher and outstretch it towards her.

Her eyes turn to the size of saucers, "Really?"I nod. I can tell she feels bad for taking it, but she wants it. She suddenly snaps towards me and hugs me as tightly as she can. "Thank you!Thank you!Thank you!!!" She pulls back with tears beginning to form in her eyes. "I know it's weird to want to cry but," she sniffles, "my family's sort of low on funds at the moment and this just really helps out. Thank you so much."

We walk out, each with our own brand new Firebolts. Now i just need to learn how to fly a broom. My new friends tell me to look in the pet store for a pet. I recall Dumbledore telling me to get an owl. We walk into the shop, which smells of feces, and fur, and feathers. The shelves are lined with toads, rats, dogs, cats, and owls. My eyes fall on a light grey barn owl and it's like love at first sight. The heart shaped face and large eyes are so beautiful. I go up to the witch at the counter. "I'll take that one please," pointing to the owl.

I walk out and hold up the cage to them all, with Molly who caught up. "Beautiful! You have a lot to carry there, I'll just take Ginny and your things back home real quick."

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley," I say while she takes my things and says 'You're welcome'.

Harry, Ron, and the girls go ahead back to Flourish and Botts with Molly for books and I stay there, feeling as if I'm forgetting something. My promise ring my mother gave me! I feel my bare fingers, wishing that it would just appear.

"Looking for something?"

I turn around to face a boy about a head taller than me with platinum blonde hair and grey eyes. He was handsome. He also held my promise ring in his hand. "I saw you drop this," he said. "I'm Draco Malfoy, who are you?"

"Kaitlyn Amor," I say, taking my ring from the boy. "Thank you for noticing my ring."

"Well, I first noticed you, are you a first year?" He looks at all of me. "You don't look like a first year."

I laugh, "I'm fourteen, and a fourth year. I'm an exchange student from America."

"That's cool, maybe I'll see you around at school?" he asks, raising an eyebrow.

I know all about Draco Malfoy, the future death eater, but it's weird seeing him in this different, nice state. "Yah, maybe you will." I smirk and turn around to walk to Flourish and Botts. I can feel his eyes on me but I don't care.

"Where were you?" Harry asks me while handing me a pile of books that I need.

"I lost my ring and a boy named Draco Malfoy-" Harry exchanges a look with Ron, "found it and we started talking."

"Kate, I'm saying this because I care about you," he says calmly to me. "Malfoy is bad news, his family has a dark history with the dark lord and he, he's just bad okay?"

"Harry, Harry, Harry," I put my hand on his shoulder, "I can take care of myself, he was nice to me."

"Whatever, I'm watching you, Amor." he smiles at me.

Ginny, Hermione, and I pick out new robes and Hogwarts clothes for me. They tell me how we have to wear this stuff on days where we have classes, not on weekends. Also, how we'll get dressed near Christmas for the Yule ball. I totally almost forgot about that. I wonder who I'll end up going with.

When we're finally ready to go, I'm pepped up to go to Hogwarts tomorrow. All the witches and wizards here are so cool, and I'm so excited to become one of them. "Hey cutie," George says as we all meet up.

I blush madly. Does he seriously think I'm cute? "Hey George."

"Excited for tomorrow? Or nervous?"

"Both, definitely both." I smile.

Fred butts in, "Don't worry little one, we'll show you around," he winks.

"Oh, thank goodness for my saviors," I fake swoon and burst out laughing before we start going back to the Burrow.


AN: So, the moment you've all been waiting for, Kaitlyn's first day at Hogwarts will be the next chapter. Sorry it took so long, but it's finally gonna happen, and sorry for all the getting ready sequences. It's supposed to show how different it is, and I honestly love describing my characters' outfits.

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Not From This Time |Harry PotterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora