He smiled back at her. “I treat all the women in bed the same way.”

“I bet you do. Hope you find her one day, Clyde. Goodbye,” she said and waved her hand as she closed the door. After he confirmed she was safe in the house, he drove away and remembered about a party going on in a friend’s house but decided to skip it instead. His stomach was crying for food.

He drove past few fast food restaurants. He wasn’t keen on eating fast food. He preferred a hot cooked meal over them. He was a good cook himself. He hadn’t cooked for some time now since he lived in the dorm. He tried to smuggle a portable stove into his room when he was a freshman but he was caught and had to pay an amount of money as a punishment. Since then, he would eat out at a diner or a restaurant. People thought he was rich as he would always be found in some high end restaurants. And he would always bring his dates there too.

He wasn’t rich. He worked part time as a waiter in one of those high end restaurants where all staff will be given hot meal after their shifts. His chocolate hair was neatly groomed and he always clean shaved. He thought of taking modeling as part time when he was approached by some talent scouts but he knew he couldn’t plan his schedule so he had to turn them down. Tonight, he felt like eating somewhere close to the dorm and spotted a small family diner just around the corner.

He parked his car and went inside. The smell of homemade dinner filled his nose. There was not a lot of people in it but thought the secluded area might contribute it. He noticed there were a small family of three in the back corner, two young women in the middle, an elderly couple at the same row as the family and a guy sat next to the window near the entrance. He took the table behind the guy and waited to take his order. A waitress came over and asked for his order.

“Orange juice and…” he looked down at the menu and pointed to a picture. “Meal C3,” he said. The woman smiled. “That’s all?” Clyde looked down again and said, “Fruit salad, please. Thank you.”

“Alright! Please wait a few moment, sweetie,” said the waitress and went to the back. The screen separated the tables were glass so he could see what everyone was doing. He was sitting facing the back of the guy near the entrance. The shoulders were slumped and he looked tired. His light blond hair was ruffled and messy. Clyde assumed the guy might be sleeping before coming here.

As if time flew by slowly, his meal was served on his table. He thanked the waitress and proceeded to eat his hot food. He paused after taking a bite and made a mental note to come here again since the meal was so delicious. He noticed the waitress came by again and stopped at the guy in front of him. His shoulders were slouched sideways dangerously.

“Honey, you’re okay?” she asked, pushing him to sit properly. The guy looked up and that was when Clyde saw his face clearly. Even though there was no light shone towards him, he could clearly see the bright green eyes veiled by thick dark lashes. There were faint freckles around his cheeks and nose. Clyde thanked his father’s gene for his good eyesight.

“Oh, I’m really sorry. I’ve been so tired lately. Lots of assignments and projects, you know, school stuff. May I have the bill, please?” he answered timidly, obviously embarrassed. “Oh, honey. Be careful, okay? Did you drive here?”

He nodded his head shyly. “Sweetie, you can’t drive back when you’re this tired. Oh, right! Your bill. Just you wait here,” she said and immediately gone away to get his bill.

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Clyde’s POV

I saw he rubbed his eyes with both of his hands. I looked at the time and it wasn’t even 9pm yet. ‘He’s sure is tired…’ I thought to myself. I was down to my last bite and drank my drink.

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