“What are we going to do Cheryl?” she wondered aloud. “We cant deny it, they’ll have pictures.” Kimberley felt sick at the thoughts of what images the reporters had managed to get hold of. Breathing deeply to control her increasing panic Kim looked into Cheryl’s eyes as the brunette finally made eye contact.

  “Why would we deny it?” she asked, her face creased with confusion.

  Kimberley felt relief wash through her body on hearing those words spill from the geordie’s mouth. Cheryl’s reaction, the screaming, the anger, it was unexpected and had panicked Kimberley, assuming that Cheryl had begun to doubt them again.

  “I thought you might think it wasn’t worth it?” she whispered, looking down at the floor as the colour rushed to her face. “Thought you might want to call it off and deny everything.”

  Cheryl walked over to the older girl, taking her hands into her own as she squatted slightly, craning her neck to get Kim’s eye contact. Having her full attention she smiled lovingly, speaking with as much passion as she could muster, desperate to convince her girlfriend.

  “How many times am I going to have to tell you this before you will actually believe me?” she told her kindly. “There is nobody else I would rather be with than you. You are all I want and all I will ever want, and that includes the band, that famous lifestyle, the money...everything. You are the most beautiful person I have ever met Kimba, inside and out, and I’m so proud that you’re my girlfriend. I can’t believe that somebody like you would choose somebody like me to be honest. If anyone should be paranoid it should be me, how do I know you’re not going to chop me in for a better model?” she joked, winking playfully at Kimberley as she reached up to wipe a tear away from the older girl’s cheek. “Why are you crying?”

  “You were just so angry...”

  “Yeah, damn right I was, I still am!” Cheryl instantly replied, a frown forming across her face again. “At the paps though, not you!  Never you.” She smiled lovingly at Kim, glancing to the door as she heard the doorbell go.

  “Time to face the music...” Kimberley muttered silently, panic rising in her chest again.

  “You do believe me don’t you?” Cheryl questioned, looking worried.

  “Of course.” Kimberley replied, hugging the younger girl briefly, kissing into her hair. “I’m just scared...”

  Cheryl let out a deep breath, heading towards the door as she tried her best to control her breathing. Lifting a shaking hand to the catch she had barely undone it when Hilary came bursting through, closely followed by Nicola, Sarah and Nadine. Shutting the door behind them Cheryl went to stand beside Kim, gripping her hand in hers as she stared at Hilary, a sense of protectiveness taking over her.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” Hilary asked, her tone friendly, catching Cheryl and Kimberley off guard.

  The girl’s glanced at each other, brows furrowed as they tried to read the situation. Hilary didn’t seem cross like they had expected, more concerned.

  “So we guessed right then?” Cheryl questioned. “It’s out? Do the papers know? B*stards.” She shook her head, consumed with hate as she thought about someone following them, spying on them, taking pictures of them during their private time.

  “What picture’s have they got?” Kim asked quietly, almost reading her girlfriend’s mind.

  “They haven’t. Not for lack of trying, you guys have been virtually uncontactable for the last few days, I don’t know how you managed it mind you, every man and his dog has been after pictures of you pair!”

  Feeling herself relax Cheryl began to speak, focusing herself on her manager as she rambled.

  “What?! I don’t get it? So there’s no pictures? Just some jumped up reporter making up sh*t about us?” Cheryl laughed. “What the hell  are we panicking for then, who gives a sh*t?! It’s not like anyone...”

  “Nadine?” Kimberley interrupted. “What’s wrong?”

  Cheryl paused, following Kim’s line of vision to their bandmate, who was stood back slightly, half hidden behind Sarah. Nadine was stood awkwardly, her head lowered so that her face was barely visable, her shoulders shaking with silent tears as she stared at the ground. Nicola stood next to her, gripping her hand in hers, rubbing her arm as she tried to calm her friend. Nadine looked up slowly, looking into Kim’s eyes first and then glancing over to Cheryl. Her face was swollen and puffy, red rings around her eye’s from the tears that had fallen.

  “Nad, what’s happened?!” Cheryl asked instantly, forgetting her own problem’s as she rushed to the Irish girl’s side, pulling her into a tight hug. Within seconds Kim had joined them, wrapping her arms around both of them as she looked on in concern. Nadinde looked up at them both, swallowing back the sobs as she managed to force the words out, her upset overwhelming her again as she took in their shocked expressions.

  “I’m so sorry. It’s all my fault, it was me that told the paps...”

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