Stepping through the swinging doors the girls froze for a second, momentarily stunned by the sea of faces, lights flashing in their eyes as the crowd drew closer. Clinging tighter to Kimberley's arm Cheryl's stomach twisted itself into knots, shock and fright overwhelming her. Kimberley sensed her fear, pulling her along as they pushed themselves through the maze of people, voices ringing in their ears as each one of them shouted their names. Keeping their heads down the girls forced their way towards the exit, their hearts beating furiously as the adrenaline kicked in. Airport staff stood with their backs to the hoards, in a vain attempt to give the girls room to escape. Breaking free into the fresh air the girls scrambled to their car, the driver sitting behind the wheel clearly in shock at the events unfolding infront of him. As the reporters swarmed around the car Kimberley sat in her seat, grabbing at Cheryl's arm as she pulled her into the car, the brunette landing in her lap as she slammed the door behind her, quickly locking it shut.

  Staring out of the window at the sea of faces, bright flashlights rebounding from the glass, the girls were in shock. Raising a shaky hand to her throat Cheryl swallowed thickly, sliding herself from Kimberley's lap to the seat next to her. Noticing that the colour had drained from Kimberley's face she reached between them, feeling for her hand before holding it tightly. The girls sat in silence as the car pushed its way slowly out of the throng, their heartrates slowing only when they reached the freedom of the motorway. Noticing the driver sitting in silence Cheryl finally spoke.

  "What the f*ck was that about?!" she asked, her tone furious.

  "Don't ask me love." He replied in his gruff London accent. "I just got told to collect you that's all. I assumed you'd have someone in there with you, you know, a bouncer like?! Fighting all those paps off?! Don't know how you tiny pair got through that craziness!"

  "Well it was no thanks to you was it?! I can't believe Hilary didn't arrange for anyone to be there!" Cheryl snapped back, adrenaline still coursing through her.

  Kimberley pulled her back, making her rest against the seat again. Gently rubbing her hand against her arm she sighed, raising her eyebrow briefly.

  "It's our own stupid fault Cheryl. We should have asked Hilary to arrange for someone to be there, we booked our own driver, remember? I didn't even think about it, she doesn't even know our exact flight times so she couldn't have done it alone. She's not a mind reader."

  Cheryl huffed, rubbing her head in her hands as she thought. Out of the corner of her eye she was increasingly aware of the driver's fleeting glances in his rear view mirror, his eyes darting from her to Kimberley, and back again. Assuming that he was feeling guilty, checking that they were ok, Cheryl smiled awkwardly at him through the mirror.

  "Sorry for taking it out on you." she told him. "It just took me by surprise that's all."

  The driver nodded, smiling back.

  "No worries love. Gonna have to get used to it pretty quick though I'd imagine."

  Cheryl frowned as he winked at her, automatically feeling uncomfortable, glancing at Kimberley to gauge her reaction only to find her staring out of the window vacantly. Touching her thigh gently she got her attention.

  "You ok Kimba...?" she whispered.

  "I think so." Kim smiled weakly. "Just a bit of a shock. Why were they all there? It makes no sense. Do you think it's just with the tour coming up and that?"

  "I honestly have no idea babes, I can't even think straight at the minute! It must be." Cheryl smiled at her, trying to reassure Kim, supressing the increasing sense of fear inside her.


  Stepping through the front door Cheryl kicked her case along the floor, pushing it out of the way before abandoning it against the wall. Smiling at Kimberley as the older girl walked past her, she began picking up the post that had collected on the mat. Hearing Kimberley's worried voice she looked up from her crouched position, frowning.

  "Cheryl..." Kimberley began. "There's like 20 messages on here." She pointed to the answerphone which was blinking continuously, her hand shaking as she pressed the replay button.

Hey girls, erm its Hilary. Tried to call you on your mobiles but it won't connect. Give me a call.

Hey lovers its Sarah, hope you're having good holidays, as soon as you get back make sure you call one of us straight away! Love you!

Hiya, its only me, Nic that is, why the hell won't your mobiles work, you're only in Spain! Just ring someone, please?!

It's Hilary again, if you check these messages over the phone just please call me before you go anywhere.

Girls, its Hilary, I have no idea how to get in touch with you but somethings happened. Just...just ring someone. Please.

  The girls looked at each other in confusion, fear rising in their throats as Kimberley lifted the phone to her ear, dialling Hilary's number.

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