Come back!!

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*Cancers' P.O.V.*

'I can't believe we lost her. How could we! Now she could be hurt, or even dead because of us!' I think to myself as I follow Scorpio.
I suddenly bump into something or someone. I look up to see that Scorpio had suddenly stopped and was starring at something. I turn my head to the direction he was looking at and was shocked at what I saw. Pisces was on the ground, unconscious, and there was a giant cat thing starring down at her.
When the others finally caught up to us they were just as shocked as we were. Scorpio looked about ready to beat the cat down but Aries put a hand on his shoulder, telling him to calm down and he did. Aries walked up to the cat slowly, Scorpio not far behind, as me and the others stayed where we were.
"Can you please give us back our friend?" Aries ask the cat politely.
'What!? Does he think the cat's going to talk back!?"
"Who are you all? Why are you in my home?" The giant cat asked.
"Holy cow it talks!!" I yell in surprise. The cat glares at me and I shut up.
"Again why are you here?"
"We really don't know. We jumped into a teleporter and we wound up here. We don't know why." Aries tries to explain to the cat. That explanation seemed to have angered it because the next thing me all know it flips Pisces over, grabs her by the back of her shirt, picks her up, and runs off with her.
"Hey you damn cat come back!!" Scorpio yells with anger, running after the cat.
We all run after the cat that grabbed out friend. When the cat stopped at a dead end Scorpio jumped ready to hit it but then it disappeared, causing Scorpio to land on his face.
"Where'd it go!?" I asked in panic. Everyone was about to spread out to look for them but then the cat suddenly reappeared in front of us, but with no Pisces.
"Where's our friend!" I yell at the cat.
"If you what to see your friend you'll have to pass a little test first. There are 12 weapons hidden around the house. Each belonging to the previous signs that used to live here. If you can find all 12 and figure out who's weapon is who, if you can even use them, then I'll believe your story and give you back your friend. I'll give you one day. If you haven't found them by then, well let's just say your friends no longer going to come back. Ever." With that he disappears again.
"Weapons!? What the hells going on!?" Gemini screams. Everyone began to panic and scream, me included. Even Scorpio and Aries looked a bit afraid.
"Everyone just shut up!" Aries yelled. Everyone stops panicking and yelling and look up towards Aries. He takes a breath.
"Ok we're going to split up into groups, look for these damn weapons, and get out friend back. Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius your a group. Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn you group two. Scorpio and Cancer are group three. And group five is Leo, Sagittarius, and myself. Now let's hurry up and save our friend!" Aries yells. We all nod and split up in different directions.
We all agreed to meat back to that spot when we found the weapons and figure out things from there. Scorpio and I decide to go back to the room we woke up in, to see if we might have missed something.
"Do you see anything?" I ask him. We've been looking for about half and hour and still nothing.
"I think I just found something." Scorpio says flipping one of the beds over and opening a door on the floor. There were stairs going down.
"Um....firstly remind me to never get you mad and secondly good job. Let's go!" We both walk down the stairs into the secret passage.

So that's the end of this chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. If I have any mistakes on this pleases tell me and I'll fix it. Thanks for reading, leave a vote and/or comment if you liked thanks
Bye. -Tobi

Zodiac's Banished to Earthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن