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Gemini sat alone in a cold and dark cell. She was accused of trying wanting to kill the the gods of gods, but she didn't! She could still see the shocked faces on her friends faces when she was taken away.
"Why did this happen?" She says to herself as she rests her head into of her knees.
"Huh?" Gemini lifted her head and looked around the cell. No one was there.
"Pst, Gem." She turned around twirls where she thought the voice was coming from and saw Aries.
"Aries?" Gemini asked in disbelief.
"And Sagittarius." Sag said as he came up from behind Aries.
"What are you guys doing here?" She asked them, concern could be heard as she said it.
" Here to break you out of course!" Sagittarius said with a smile.
"Come on, everyone's waiting." Aries said as he unlocked the cell door.
Gemini instantly got up and ran twirls them. She hugged them both which left the two boys in shock.
"I-I thought u wasn't ever going to get out. Thanks." She said as tears formed. The two boys just smiled and huger her back.
After a while Aries finally spoke up.
"Ok. Love to hug some more but we still have to get you out of here and meet up with everyone else." He said as he pealed Gem off of them. Gemini and Sagittarius both nodded and follow him into a hallway where Leo was keeping guard.
"Leo we got her." Sagittarius said as they got closer to her.
She turned around to see them and smiled at Gem. Once they got to her they all began running records the exit of the prison.
When the three signs were finally out Gem saw Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces all outside waiting for them.
"You-Your all here?" She said in disbelief and happiness.
"Of course you moron we weren't about to let out friend be put in jail for something she didn't do." Capricorn said in a matter-of-fact way. Everyone nodded in agreement.
Gemini smiled at the sight of all her friends waiting for her, but it was short lived as they all heard a gun shot being fired. Luckily the bullet didn't hit anyone but there where lots of guards coming there way.
Sagittarius grabbed hold of Gemini's hand and began running, the others not far behind.
"Where do we go now?" Gem asked as Sagittarius leads them all to some place she doesn't know.
"We're going to have to teleport to the human world." Gemini heard Aries say.
"There's really no other way. Your wanted and we just helped you escape, which means we're all going to be sent to jail or even killed if we stay. We'll go to the human world and think from there." He explained to her.
Gemini really didn't want to go, but Aries had a point. If they stayed they'll be sent to jail or worse, then everything they did would have been for nothing. She wasn't about to waist all here friends hard work just because she didn't want to.
Once they made it to the room were the portal was, Cancer and Pisces locked the door while Virgo turned the device on.
"Ok we're all going to have to jump in one at a time. So let's go!" Virgo says and everyone nods there head in understanding.
Cancer jumps in first then Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, Libra, Leo, Scorpio, and then Pisces. Aries, Sagittarius, and Gemini were the last left.
"Ok I'll go in next." Aries says as he jumps in.
"Your turn." Sagittarius says. Gemini nods her head and walks in front of the portal. She turns to Sagittarius and he gives here a reassuring smile. She smiles back and jumps in.
As she does she hears the door being broke open and sees Sagittarius jump in just in time.
Then everything became white. She couldn't see anything or anyone. All she was was white as she fainted, hoping for here friends safety. 

Zodiac's Banished to Earthजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें