You Damn Tease

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"Shi--" As Dean was just about to exclaim, Gabriel just so happened to pop by and interrupt him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!!! Whatcha doin' there, Cassie?" Seriously, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?

When Gabe got no response, he decided to take matters into his own hands. "I don't want to seem rude, but I think you and Dean should go, Sam. Sorry." "But, Gab--" "Sorry, Samsquatch." With a snap of his fingers Sam and Dean were back at the bunker, and Castiel was back in their shared motel. After a flutter of wings, Gabe appeared side-by-side with Cas. "Cas, what the hell were you thinking??? First you lectured me, and then you go behind my back and do the same thing?! You're supposed to be the one who listens, Cassy! Not the other way around!!!" Castiel glared at him, and quoted his favorite person. "As a great man once said, 'Bite me'." Gabriel recognized these as fight words, and gladly bit into this bitter, yet entertaining piece of pie (@w@).

"You would like that, wouldn't you?!" "Oh, TOTALLY, GABRIEL! I WOULD LOVE FOR YOU TO ENGAGE IN SEXUAL ACTIVITIES WITH ME!" "YEAH? WELL, I DON'T WANT TO. MY TYPE ISN'T UGLY, CONCEITED, GOD-LOVING, POSSESSIVE, ASSHOLES." Castiel looked stunned at Gabriel before latching onto him and choking him. "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT! AFTER ALL I'VE DONE FOR YOU?! I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO LOVES YOU FOR YOU, YOU IGNORANT PILE OF SHIT! BUT, NO! YOU WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND THAT, WOULD YOU?!" Gabriel was turning blue now, gasping for air. " S-stop...!"

And those were his final words.

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