Chapter 1

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I opened the door to go get the mail. The air stings the back of my throat as I breath in, it doesn't help that i'm chewing mint gum. I walk down the driveway, barefoot, the cold pavement against bare skin, cold. I open the mailbox and grab the mail. As i'm walking up towards the house I look throw the mail.

"Junk...Junk...Junk...Junk...wait, what?" I say as I see a letter from Worthington High.

"Mom, Dad!" I yell, walking into the house.

The heat from inside hits my face, the cold air on my back as warm air on my face. I can hear my parents walking around up stairs making their way down stairs.

"What? Whats wrong?" Mom asks me with a concerned look on her face,

"Um... I'm not sure." I say to her, with a confused look.

"Your going to have to tell me more." She says back to me,

"I...I got a letter from Worthington High?" I say confusedly

My parents look at each other with a concerned look, "Well do you know why we got it?" I ask. "That school is for people who are either Royal or rich," I look around our house, " and we're obviously not either of those."

"I'm not sure, Jacksen." My dad says.

"Alright I'm gonna tell her." Dad says to mom. "Jacksen, you're adopted."

"How come you waited 19 years to tell me?" I start but my 'dad' interrupts me

"We didn't think it was necessary." He says.

"What else have you guys been hiding from me?" I try to say as calmly as I can. I realise their not going to answer, I turn away from them and grab the letter off the kitchen counter and walk up stairs, when I open the door to my room I make my way over to my fish tank.

"Your lucky Bubbles, you don't have to deal with finding out your adopted after 19 years" I say to my fish. Of course he doesn't say anything back, that would be weird.

I  sit on my bed, hearing the springs squeak as I sit down, and decide to open the letter.


Dear Jacksen Cedric,

We have decided to give you a free scholarship to Worthington High next semester, we will send a car to bring you her on January 9, if you decide to come , have what your bring ready. We guarantee you will love Worthington High, if not, you are welcome to leave anytime. But we encourage you to come and stay. If you if you do decide to stay, we will pay for you to attend Worthington High until you graduate.


Queen Alanna


As I finish reading the letter I see another paper, a registration form.

Please fill out.

It reads at the top. I don't know if I should fill it out or throw it out. I push it aside and pick up my phone, its already 11:00 so I get ready for bed and turn the lights off and fall asleep peacefully, until I hear my phone ring. I get up and feel the cold hard wood under my feet and walk slowly over to my desk to pick my phone up.

"Hello" I say to who ever is on the other end of the call, no one responds and the call ends. "Weird..." I say, walking back  to bed and fall back asleep, going back to sleep.


I have now edited chapter one!



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