Chapter Twelve

Depuis le début

"I quit," he said, taking off. I followed his ascent and watched as his form disappeared.

'Wh-what just happened?' Bulla sent. 'Why did Piccolo leave?'

'I... I don't really know... It's something about that Shin guy. Our Dads are worried about him as well...'

'Are you?' she asked. Her voice was quiet.

I bit my lip. 'I don't know... I don't like the feeling he's giving off, but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy...'

'It usually does.'

I nodded though she couldn't see me. The Announcer got over his shock then and called for the next round. Videl versus Spopovitch.

The band picked up, playing a cheery tune as the two walked out. Shin passed between them on his way back to the waiting room. When he passed Spopovitch, his head snapped towards the giant man. His eyes narrowed and his nose wrinkled up.

Shin looked at Spopovitch for a moment before continuing on his way. Neither Trunks or Goten mentioned this, so I assumed they didn't catch it. Why did Shin seem upset by Spopovitch's presence? Sure they guy was huge, but was he really worried about possibly having to fight him?

Videl and Spopovitch got into the arena and faced each other, both ready to fight. The Announcer barley got the command to fight out of his mouth before Videl was flying at her opponent. She threw punches and kicks left and right, but somehow Spopovitch was able to block every single one.

"Wow! Look at Videl go! She's on fire, all over Spopovitch!" the Announcer cried, clearly entertained. 

After a few more good shots, Videl finally got one in that mattered.

Aiming her foot in between Spopovitch's arms, she caught him in the chest and sent him flying backwards, almost out of the ring. He landed with a small puff of air on his back.

"And it looks like Spopovitch is out for good!" the Announcer yelled, raising his hand. "I'll start the count!" 

"Yeah! Go Videl!" I cheered, fist pumping the air. The crowd cheered louder, yelling her name. But it looked like we all miscalculated.

Spopovitch stood up, appearing unaffected from Videl's kick.

"Wow! What an amazing athlete! Spopovitch is up!" the Announcer called out, stunned.

Spopovitch jumped right back into the fight, kicking and hitting at my brother's girlfriend. But she blocked every one. When she tried to send attacks back at her opponent, he blocked every one as well. It seemed the match had come to a stand still.

A couple of times, Videl landed a kick or a hit on the bulk of a man when his guard was down, but every time he got back up. It wasn't long before Videl as huffing.

"He's just wearing her out," Goten said. I nodded. I'd done it before to both him and Trunks while sparring at home.

Again and again Videl knocked the brute to the ground, and each time he got back up. It wasn't long before he was bloodied in different places.

"How does he keep getting back up?" Trunks wondered. 

"I don't know. Maybe he's from Outer Space and is really strong like us," Goten suggested.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard!" Trunks exclaimed.

"Well... What do you think, Rosey?"

I watched Videl hit Spopovitch down yet again. This time when he got up, he was laughing.

"I honestly don't know. He's not a Saiyan, that much I know for sure," I said. "But other than that, I have no idea."

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