Easy Days- Chapter One

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"Avery, are you ready for school?"

I was so upset the weekend was over. Although I had spent one of those (supposedly) fun days in the hospital having an X-Ray. My stomach had been hurting, I was trying to tell Mum that it was only my period, but she wasn't convinced. It didn't matter, they said they didn't see anything out of the ordinary.

"Yes Mum, are the pancakes done?" I asked in a sweet manner. "Yep!". My mother wasn't the grumpy old cow type, she is always happy, and bubbly, but of course she has the motherly instincts. When she was young she wasn't very happy-go-lucky. But then she learnt to loosen up when she had me. I have taken off of my mother a lot, I don't let people's words hurt we, I simply let them go in one ear, and out the other. Where as my Brother seems to think he can change that. I mean he is like any old big brother, annoying, and thinks he knows best. 

But even his smart remarks change change the way I think about life. Charlie (My Brother) was already consuming a large amount of syrup covered pancakes. "Urghh, not you" He said. I sighed at his childishness, and simply sat down on one of the cream chairs, my legs tucked under my bottom. "Can't you eat somewhere else?" He asked. "If you haven't noticed, this is the one and only dining table" I replied grabbing a pancake myself. "Why are you so annoying!" He began, and stalled on about how much I get on his nerves.

"Have you get P.E today sweetie?" My Mother asked in a cheery tone. "Yes, I packed my bag last night" I told her. "Ok, just checking". After finishing my breakfast I clipped on my tie and tucked in my shirt. "Nerd" Was all I heard Charlie say before I left the house, with both my satchel and my P.E bag. It was a simple route to my bus stop, just round the corner, then down the alley way, another corner, and then straight ahead.

But of course it was one of them cold days. I never bothered to bring a coat, there's no way to carry it around school anyway, my bag is stuffed with all the crap we have to bring. I decided to just deal with it, the bus stop was not far away at all. Mr.Walker was standing outside his house, covering his car with a white sheet. "Hello Mr.Walker!" I called out to him. "Oh, hi Avery!" He called back. I continued my walk and found that it had begun to rain. Unlike other's, I like the rain, it's calm and relaxing.

After I finally made it to the bus stop, everyone was crowded in the small shelter. Kirsty let me sit down beside her. "Hey, you alright?" She said soothingly. "Yeah, I just had to have an X-ray" I told her. The Horizon bus came, 10 minutes late. We all climbed on and I went upstairs, to the back. "Why don't they get a new bus company?! I swear this bus has broken down more than 100 times!" Complained Kirsty.

"Yeah, well at least we can get to school late" I pointed out, staring blankly out the window. "I guess so" She said. There was a silence, for a few seconds. "So... Has Charlie got a girlfriend?" She asked with a hope full smile. Everyone knew that Kirsty had a huge crush on my brother, although I honestly didn't care. "No, but he doodles that tall girl's name on his rough book a lot" I said. Her smile disappeared, and then turned into a slight frown. "But i'm sure he doesn't really like her" I said, my answering smile seemed to lighten her eyes.

After an incredibly long discussion on what I think my Brother thinks about my Best-Friend, the bus pulled in in the turning circle, inside the school. It was still pouring with rain when we all ran to the reception, the gates were closed due to the lateness of our arrival. "Bus number please" Said the blonde lady sitting on a swivel chair behind a large desk. "129" A year 7 boy answered behind me. Everyone had to sign their name's with their tutor groups until the electro-magnet doors would be opened for us. Voices drifted up from the entry hall, the drama teachers must have heard our complaints from wet hair, to sticky clothes.

Mr.Williams came out of his box like classroom and gave us all an scowling look. Me and Kirsty laughed when we were out of his presence. Our classroom was one of the furthest away, in was in the Textiles room. Our tutor, Mrs.Bell had a stern look on her face, it seemed we were about to have a lecture on being late. That was untol she checked her laptop, there must have been a E-mail come through about our absence.

"Well, i'm not going to go through the message again, but i'm sure the girls will be delighted to hear from you guys on what it was" The teacher said with fake smile. We rolled our eyes, bored to death at the fact that we were going to have nerds giving us a speech on what the teacher had previously announced. Although we sat through the whole 15 minutes with getting caught talking out of place, which I guess is a good thing.

I checked through my time table and noticed that I had P.E first lesson. It wasn't my worst lesson, but it meant high jump in the rain. Me and Kirsty took the long way to the changing rooms, they were bound to smell anyway. Once we were there we took our own space, it was round the corner where the showers were, but they were old and haven't worked in years. I got changed in my P.E kit and leaned against the tiled wall. "You wanna come with me and the others to the wreck tonight?" Kirsty asked pulling her trainers on.

"Sorry Kirsty, I have modeling" I told her, looking down at the reminder on my hand. "Oh yeah, sorry". "That's ok". We had to jog out to the field. It was only slightly raining now, just a drizzle. Me and Kirsty paired up and did our high jump practice. I was sometimes awkward as they boys were on the same field as us. We finished soon enough, I had felt slightly faint during the running, but the feeling soon went away.

When we were both walking back to the changing area, Kirsty suddenly said "Shit! I left my water bottle in the field!". I sighed. "Ok, lets go get it" I said. We jogged back to the field and then we had to jump the fence gate, as it had been lost. The rest of the way we just walked, as we were out of breathe. When we finally received her bottle I started to feel slightly hot, looking at the sun I realized it was now super hot.

"Are you alright?" Kirsty asked as we walked back. "Yeah, I just feel kinda hot" I told her. The field started to turning a slight red colour, then yellow and then a light green. Everything started to spin and then suddenly... Everything was black.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2013 ⏰

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