11 | Sing About Me ( part 1 )

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Jordin's POV

I always imagined loosing my virginity to my husband in a room filled with lit candles, and to a romantic song playing in the background, but I guess shit like that only happened in movies.

Last night sort of just - happened.

A part of me regrets what I did with Kendrick last night, but another part of me doesn't.

I'm happy that I gave my virginity to Kendrick, because he's the only person I actually trust and love. I've been trusting him with basically my whole life! I truly did love Kendrick, and I knows that he feels the same.

Well at least I hope.

More than anything though, Kendrick is my best friend. He's always been the person I ran to when ever I needed advice, someone to talk to, or just a shoulder to lean on. He's always been there for me, and I've done the same in return.

I honestly couldn't imagine my life without him. Seriously. Where I would be without his crazy ass always nagging on me and caring for me? Probably down the wrong path, and in the arms of the wrong person. That's where!

But there was still that part of me that regrets last night.

I always imagined loosing my virginity to my husband, because well - I planned on getting married first. I was seriously caught in the moment, and now there's no way I can turn back time and take back what I did.

In a way, I feel like a failure and a disappointment to my parents.

All my life I grew up in church, and the whole 'having a child out of wedlock' thing was drilled into my head. Now how am I suppose to explain to my parents that I failed to follow God's plan?

But honestly, even if I could turn back time and take back what I did - I probably wouldn't. Last night was everything I wanted and more. It may not have been the most romantic experience, or the best feeling - due to me being in a huge deal of pain in the beginning, and me still being sore - but I still loved it. There would be no guarantee that I would ever get married, or better yet - that Kendrick would even still be in my life later on down the line.

Of course I want him to be, but the people who you think will always be there for you will slowly drift away.

Between us graduating high school soon, and this music shit that's really about to pay off, there's no telling what Kendrick is going to do. Between both, he probably isn't going to even have time for me anymore. Day by day I'll slowly slip his mind and in one blink we'll be total strangers. The thought of that just scares me. I love him too much to loose him.

I wiped the sleep out of my eyes as took in my surroundings. To my surprise, the other side of the bed was empty. The sheets were obviously messed up from last night, and I myself was a mess too. I let out a long sigh as I stole a glance of the clock that sat right on top of Kendrick's dresser - the time read 10:13 A.M. His parents wouldn't be home until 2 this afternoon.

Thank God.

I pulled my hair back into a pony tail as I made my way to the bathroom for a shower.

Lord knows I needed one.

After taking a nice long shower, I threw on one of Kendrick's shirts, then stripped the bed of its sheets. I replaced the sheets with a new set, then made my way downstairs in hopes of finding him.

To my surprise, Kendrick was slaving over the stove cooking something that certainly smelled good! I threw the sheets in the washer, then proceeded to make way over to him. I stood behind him for what felt like hours as I climbed up on the island of the kitchen to take a seat.

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