All We Are

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Wow I'm not even sure what this thing is. I've been wanting to finish a oneshot for a very long time now. I've been mostly writing angst, and this is actually my first, complete oneshot. 

It's not proofread, or edited, because I'm exhausted right now and I'm just posting it. This is a fanfiction of sorts (Jessica from SNSD and Kris from EXO) but not really. It's a weird mix between non-fic and fic. Honestly, I don't know what this crap even is, so..yeah


"And I gave you all 

I'm sure I can give 

But It's not enough 

And I feel it sting 

And our roses died 

And the neighbours knew 

And the house moved on 

To someone new 

And I know 

You won't be satisfied 

'Til the fire inside 

Burns like you once knew 

But it's gone 

And I'm leaving 

And your storm 

Keeps on raging 

Yes I'm gone 

And I'm leaving 

And your storm 

Keeps on raging"

- Olivia Broadfield, "Gone"



Jessica has always wondered how it feels to drown. The few minutes that feel like hours from the moment you fall into the water, 'till the moment when you’re under and your brain and body has stopped fighting. How it feels to hold your breath, hoping that a miracle will happen. When you for a split second need to catch your breath, so you open your mouth, trying to breathe in the air that your lungs desperately need. When you instead begin to cough, splutter, and inhale water. When you can feel the life drain out of your body and you realize that, yes, all hope is lost.

She doesn’t know how it feels to drown. And she’s not so sure if she ever wants to find out.


Sunlight drifts into Jessica Jung’s bedroom, warming the discolored sheets and burning her bared neckline. She squints in discomfort, but doesn’t draw the curtains. She likes it this way; uncomfortable and mildly pained by the heat. In her hand, there’s a picture of two people clinging to each other, looking at the camera with bright smiles and still passionate dreams and almost unbroken hearts. This was taken on her 23th birthday. September 16th, 2008. Before he started travelling. Before she fell and broke herself beyond repair.  Before she realized that nothing, absolutely nothing in this world was amazing or even remotely good, and that everyone that came into her life was only meant to stay for a short period of time, sweeping past like the unreliable wind and leaving her to handle the storm.

The tiny glass frame is covered with dust, and her finger brushes across the picture, trying to point out the one thing that’s wrong with it. Trying to find where, how, and when it all went so horribly wrong.

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