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Britney P.O.V

So right after we left the fuck bunnies house I pulled out my phone and called Justin.

Me:can you come over for the weekend
Justin:girl it's 7:48 and you live like 8 blocks away.
Me:get yo lazy ass up and come over here we need to have an important meeting
Justin:girl that's all you had to say I'm packing my bag right now

After like 20 minutes Justin was at my door.

Justin P.O.V

After Britney opened the door I ask her what did she mean by meeting. All she said was just come in, I'll explain everything once we are in my room.

As I opened her bedroom door and saw a boy sitting on her bed I screamed "Who The Fuck Are You". Then Britney walk past me laughing and said this is Jussie and he's my step-brother.

Then Britney said so Justin this is my step-brother Jussie and Jussie this is my gay best friend Justin. And also Justin by the way Jussie is gay to but he never had a boyfriend.

Well whatever nice to meet you Jussie and Britney let's talk about this important meeting thing ok.

Britney started talking about how sorry she was to break it me. Then she said I told you this would happen.

Britney get to the fucking point already. Then she give me her phone which had a video of Marcus and Derrick having sex.
I was shocked but at the same time it was whatever.

Ohhhh ok Marcus will get what's coming to him and so will Derrick. Britney said YESSSSS so what's the plan I looked at Britney and Jussie in said I'm going to beat Marcus ass. Then I will make Derrick mad and jealous then dump him.

Britney started screaming saying I knew you would but there's one problem you can't sleep in my room tonight. What the hell Britney you called me over here. Then Jussie said I can sleep in his bed with him.

We snapped our heads to him and Britney said I don't think that's a good idea because Justin is a wild and very very horny sleeper. Then he ask how do you two sleep in the same bed, Britney said because I'm a girl in once he touches one of my breast or something he stops.

But Jussie said it's ok, so this is going to be a crazy night because Jussie is cute.

Jussie P.O.V

So we went in the basement because that's where I wanna be at. So they made another room out of the basement for me.

So we laid down and Justin was in a deep sleep after I turned the lights off. So I started to fall asleep until I felt something poking at my butt which I kind of already new what it was.

So I took advantage of this moment and turned which I already had a hard on. So I moaned a little after I started to rub our erections together. I leaned up in kissed Justin soft lips but once I was pulling away his hand grabbed my ass in pulled me closer.

Then he said I could scream in saying you was trying to rape me or I could ask you to be my new boyfriend as long as you don't fuck someone else behind my back. Yes Justin I would like to your boyfriend and I will not fuck anybody but you soooo can we cuddle.

Justin said yes and let's have some fun tomorrow because it's payback time.

Brandon here

Like I said posted today and this page is a little boring but whatever so enjoy or whatever

Thanxxx✌ and meoww

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