Chapter 1

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I wrote that prologue at 12 pm so gimme a break XD speaking of. It's 4 am I've been up since 1 reading johndave. Is that something to be proud of?

You wake up on something plush. It's warm...there's a blanket over you. You haven't had this much comfort since you left the lab. Even there, you never had this much comfort. Maybe it's because the beds were metal with one pillow and a blanket. An itchy one. You open your eyes. It's a dark room, the only light peeking through the window. (I'm really detailed at 4) In which makes the room a tinted orange, from the thin orange curtains covering the window. You examine what you can see from the room. Clothes thrown in piles or scattered. A pair of shades....those triangular shades you saw earlier. Oh no! You've been kidnapped. No don't be silly, why would this human let you sleep in his room and not kill you. You still have your antlers and life. The door cracks open letting light in on the other side of the room. Letting it overtake what light was let in from the window. You flop down and hope they didn't see you. "I saw that." A deep, voice comes from a tall human male in the doorway. The light hots his back. He looks like he's almost glowing, you can tell the color orange is one he favors. He walks over "sorry for...hitting you with my car. I wasn't paying attention. Don't worry tho, once your healed and can fully manage to fend alone again, you can go home....where ever that maybe." This human is different.....he's nice. For the first time you take in his looks. A black tank top with an orange cap on it. A pair of the same shades on the desk. He must have an extra pair...Why? He seems emotionless...that's not how he sounds right now. He seems afraid or even confused by or of you. "Oh. I'm Dirk, Dirk Strider." You nod and speak....does your voice work? Yep. It's raspy but maintains your thick beautiful British accent. "I'm Jake...English...What exactly happened?" The boy seems to stare at you for a brief moment then he regains his position in reality with time and space here. He sighs "so...I accidentally hit you with my truck. Proceeded to bandage you and carry you to my car then take you home and yeah. Don't worry. I wasn't a weirdo. I let you sleep in here. I took the couch." Dirk says slowly regaining a stoic voice. There's something about him. Blonde hair, shades to hide emotion....him as a person that just let's you know he's safe. A safety you want and need at all times. Your not realizing it yet but this safety will be yours forever and as long as you wish. It will protect you at all times. Wether it's close or far. It....He...Dirk will know if your safety is at stake. He won't hesitate to help you. This feeling right now at this time almost forces you to give him a thank you hug. It's surprised him but eventually you both sit there on the bed hugging for at least 40 seconds. During these seconds, you take in his scent and smell....his safety. Your mind now associates Dirk with security and protection. Wether Dirk knows it or not. His mind has already associated you with a sense of calming and happiness. (Why. Why is this so cute) Dirk b deals the hug. You now sit on the bed you leaning on the wall and back of the bed. Dirk sitting right in front of you. "So. You want some food?" He questions. You nod and a warning hits you. This is how he will poison you. Remember you don't know your minds associated him with a sense of security. You nod anyways and he gets up "I think you can stand...I checked your bones. Nothing seemed broken....sorry again. I would take you to a hospital but they might try to experiment on you" you nod again and open your mouth "I am an experiment..." He looks down awkwardly "sorry." Why does he keep saying it? "It's okay. It's not that touchey" you smile which he looks upward at. You notice a small smirk on his face. It's pushed aside and he looks fully up. "So that ears and antlers?" He questions "part deer." You reply. He nods and asks another question "they sensitive?" You shake your head. Last time you remember they weren't. He reaches his hAnd up to your ear and just pets it. That feels nice. Oh shit wait what. Dirk stops doing so and proceeds towards the door after helping you out of the bed. You have to admit it was nice to have your ears pet....well it felt nice. Now you know why dogs like it so much. Ha! "So uh..English. What exactly do you want to eat?" All you've ever had are berries and fruits you found or were given..."an Apple maybe" he nods and opens his fridge. You know this is what it is because they have these on tv and yeah. "Here." He throws it to you. You catch it...fumble with it by ultimately you win against gravity and bite into the Apple happily. It's sweet perfection. He smiles and grabs a drink....Apple juice. You've seen Apple juice bottles in the woods before. They were dumped by careless humans. While you zone out Dirk asks you something in which you reply with a "huh?" He waves his hand in your face a few times before you snap to reality. "You have any tv shows you like?" You shake your head. Movies are what you like. "I like movies." He nods and leads you to a drawer full of movies "I never use them. They just sit here. All the f...riggin time" that's nice. He didn't cuss just to be polite "it's fine if you cuss. I don't mind." He nods and smirks. It's a smile for a split second. You swear!! You grab 'pirates of the Caribbean' you've seen it before and took a liking to it....not as much as avatar but that's not in the drawer. He nods and picks it up setting it into the disk and sitting on the couch. You sit down next to him. At first you sit too close so you scoot over.

Deer In The Headlights (Hybridstuck DirkJake)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن