Chapter 7:Territory

Start from the beginning

She stood up, desk being shoved forward. She trumped forward toward me, and pushed me up against the board, arm under my chin.

I don't see why she came after me, when Misao was the Vampire. She should be showing her dominance to the vampire. Not that I was complaining. I was glad she came after me. That way I get to have fun. Though, I now realize why. I appeared only a low level demon, having the ability to hide away some of my demonic power. It helps me keep the flames in check. The fact she came after me proves this demon was a coward, though she seemed pretty brave to come up here and pin me to the wall. It was damn confusing.

The teacher and class seemed frozen, not quite registering what was happening.

I chuckled.

"What's. So. Funny?" She said, boiling anger evident in her clipped words.

"Oh, nothing. Personal joke."

The girl, Brenna, at least I think that's what the teacher called her scoffed.

"I'm not a fan of jokes."

"Good thing it was personal."

She was not amused.

By now, Misao had started shaking. She wasn't one for confrontations or fighting. She was actually quite weak, for a mid-level demon.

Brenna ignored my last comment, and got up close to me ear. "I could tear your throat out right now." She hissed. I'd like to see you try.

"Right here? You'd lose all your prey. Your cover. Please, I know you won't." My smile was cocky.

The teacher finally came to her senses. "Brenna, let go of him, and I'll write you a pass for Detention the rest of the day."

Brenna didn't move.


The vampire looked over at the teacher, eyes glowing an inhuman red.

The teacher didn't see, couldn't see.

Slowly, the vampire let me go, but not before telling me she'd get me after school for not just leaving her territory on first demand. I had told her I was looking forward to it. She growled low at Misao.

"You should control your damn servant; he just signed your death warrant."

Anger boiled in me, and it took a hellofa lot of control to keep my flames from bursting free and my power to shoot up. How dare she think me a servant?

Low level, I could take. I made it like that to keep up my camouflage in the school, but servant? No. She had no idea as she walked out of the classroom, fists white that ~she had signed her own death warrant. I wondered then what the heat of a vampires' soul tasted like.

"I'm so very sorry about that you two... she has never acted like that before!" The teacher said sitting down. "Why don't you take a seat?"

"But of course." I said with a flourish, sitting in an empty seat by a pretty blonde, who practically swooned at the sight of me.

Anger aside, this was going to be fun.

The class went by at a normal rate, and I didn't pay attention at all.

I spent the majority of my time writing notes to the pretty blonde next to me. I could tell her chest was about to explode. Absolutely priceless.

The humans can't see my demonic features of course; to them I was the handsome boy with hip length glossy hair and perfectly sculpted body.

I was never this much of a chic magnet when human or even half demon! God, I loved my new life!

An image flashed into my brain. Me, Yukio and the old man at the beach when we were around 8 years of age.

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