Chapter 11: Satan's Politics

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Chapter 11: Satan's Politics

But, in the end it led to this. This sacrifice...

... It was so fucking worth it.


In his room in Gahenna's royal palace Rin was reading a book on his bed. Not only a book, a Manga. One of the ones Misao owed him for going to school with her.

He had really only went one day, and it had so been worth it. Getting rid of that petty vampire had brightened his mood, and just showing off his cool new power had brightened it more. Who wouldn't like showing of their power like that?

He pushed away the fact that he'd just recently killed a bunch of people who would be his friends. And some that were. His mind had gotten so foggy from everything since that first night he awoke sick from his sword weakening and his true nature wanting to coming out. He should have fought it more. He shouldn't have been crowned king of Assiah. He shouldn't of drawn his sword that day. He probably could've just saved her some other way. He was powerful as even a half demon, he could have stayed half demon.

No, what was he thinking? He would miss out on every fun thing he had done since then. All the messing around with people, all the killing. He would have missed it all. Misao would still be on the run from her aunt, probably caught and that stupid noble house would be run by an idiot with perfect nails. No... It was all for the good, for him anyway. Who cared if some exorcists died?

Of course he did...


No, he didn't!

Rin slammed his head on the wall, growling low in his throat at the minor irritation and pain in his temple and the major irritation conflicting in his soul.

Someone knocked at his door, and Rin lashed his tail out behind him, before shouting out an angered, "What!?"

"Lord Satan is requesting your presence in the throne room, Lord Rin. He said it is of great importance and wants you to come immediately."

Rin let his head fall against the wall once again, sending a throb through his head. "Tell him I'll be right there." He said, following the statement with an immediate sigh. What could his father possibly want? He deserved a little time to himself, away from his domain after that massacre.

He didn't feel like dealing with Satan's Politics.

Was what Satan did politics? Rin kept muddling that thought I his head as he got up from his bed and looked himself over. He was still dressed in the bloodied torn jeans and jacket he worn earlier. He shrugged as he walked out of the room, deciding not to care. If his father couldn't deal with his attire, he'd have to take it up with Rins sword, cause he was already pissed he had to leave his room in the first place.

As he entered the hall, he didn't bother bowing to the King of Gahenna either. Satan didn't seem to take fondly to that, but kept his mouth shut. His son seemed to be about one more irritation away from spouting flames, and one more away from till he spouted wings.

Satan knew this "conversation" they were about to have would defiantly lead to that. And he looked forward to it.

-1rst POV-

The irritation I could see in my fathers eyes didn't make me sigh or say I was sorry. I really just wanted to take a nap.

I wanted to let my brain shut down and not think about the turmoil I was feeling over the bloody massacre. It wasn't really turmoil, but really just irritation, not that it mattered.

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