story A BiG MISTAKE (part 2)

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Now Mr Alex was too much busy in his work that  he didn't have time to talk his father even .The old father noticed that his son was  ignoring him but didn't say any thing to him.Time passed and now Mr Alex super mart was in one of the biggest in the city .The old father was very alone because no one in the family had time for him , everybody was busy in his work ,when grandpa asked the kids to come to him ,he will tell a story to them so they refused to come and answer him that they want to watch TV instead of listening to the childish stories from grand pa .Grandpa was hurt from all of them but he never say a word to anyone although he prayed to Allah for their success .
One day Mr Alex was in hurry and he have to go to the opening of his new mart just then Mr Alex father asked him to repair his glasses but because Mr Alex was already late so he refused to do it and said to his father that he is already late and have no time for all these things, Mr Alex father was shocked to listen these kind of words from his son , he was badly hurt but didn't say a word to his son and pray to Allah that never make my son unhappy and  give him all the happiness of life .Mr Alex even didn't noticed that what he had just said to his father  and go on the way to the mart ,as he was very happy for the opening of a new mart as he reached near ,he saw black smoke coming out of somewhere , when he reached to the market he saw a big crowd of people at some distance from the mart and he saw that his new super market was burnt badly and there was not even any sign of mart left there , he was shocked and lost his senses ,he just fall on the floor and the last thing he saw was that the people were coming near to him.
When he opened his eyes he saw his wife standing near to him and was looking very sad and worried , one word which come out from his mouth was the name of his father , he wanted to meet him and wanted to apologize him for his behavior , because  now he had realized that it just happened because he hurt his father.Mr Alex asked his wife to tell his father that he wanted to meet him but she didn't replied and stood quietly. Mr Alex asked again and again for his father, so his wife tell her that first you become alright then you can meet him.
When Mr Alex was completely alright his wife take him to home where he saw people sitting there near the death body.Mr Alex got shocked and he asked his wife where is his father in the reply of which Mrs Alex tell her that he is no more with us , the day at which his mart was burnt , the same day his father had an heart attack and when he was taken to hospital he was already dead .
Mr Alex had an another great shock and he start shouting and crying loudly .He had lost his father ,he had lost his whole world and now he is alone in this world , no one is there who would pray for his success and long life.And the thing which was very painful than anything was that his father left him just because of him , but now he can do nothing he cannot even apologiz to his father for his mistake and it was the most biggest mistake of his life .

Written by Ilsa Naweed
Age 14 years

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