Chapter 2

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Jayda's POV

"Jai please I am begging you!" I said into the phone.

"Why can't you just ask that boyfriend of yours!?" He questioned.

"Because.." I whined. "He's with his parents today and If I tell him to cover for me and say that we were out together mom and dad will ask his parents and when they tell them that they were out with their son all day I'm gonna get in trouble."

I heard Jai sigh at the other end. "Fine!"

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

It was silent. I was about to call his name when he spoke again.

"Hey Jayda, I'm gonna have to call you back later."

"What? Fine okay but please promise me you'll do this for me!"

"Yes I promise" he said goodbye and hung up.

I sighed and fell back on my bed. Okay now all I had to do was find a way to sneak out. I grabbed a small dark blue duffle bag, the one I always used, and went to look for my clothes. I grabbed a pair of grey sweats that were at the very back of my closet and my black t-shirt with 'Teenage Dream' written at the front with white bold letters. I stuffed them into my bag and then picked up my grey and white Nike shoes.

I put the duffle bag to the side and changed into 'normal' clothes as my mom would call it. After I changed I picked up the duffle bag again and walked towards my window. I opened it up and peeked my head through it to see if anyone was out there. Once the coast was clear I put my head back in and threw my bag out the window. It fell with a soft thump on the grass. I shut the window and headed downstairs where I knew I would get questioned.

"And where do you think your going?"


So close.

I squeezed my eyes shut hoping I would just disappear and then reappear at my destination. I opened my eyes again and blinked. Slowly I turned around and faced my mother who was standing at the end of the hallway with her arms crossed over her chest.

"Hey mom" I said giving her a little waveand a fake smile. "I was just about to go meet up with Jai"

"Jai?" She quirked an eyebrow.

"Yes mom. You know Jai, your son."

"I know who my son is." She said, her temper rising. I gave her an 'oh really' look and waited for her to continue.

The bad thing about my parents was that they wanted high expectations for me. If I at least got a B+ on my report card they would flip a bitch on me. But when Jai got average C's they wouldn't even punish him. I on the other hand got grounded or stuck with chores.

"Jayda, I don't want you to go out today. Just stay home and watch a movie or something." She shrugged.

"Mom!" I said this time I was angry. "Jai told me he needed my help and he's my brother so I'm gonna help him!" I turned around quickly on the balls of my feet and ran out the door. I could hear my mom calling out for me to get back in, but I didn't listen. Instead I ran towards where my window would be and grabbed my duffle bag that was under it and ran off again.

I sprinted as fast as I could down our street. Luckily I had enough stamina... Oh who am I kidding! I didn't have enough stamina to even last me two miles. So when I was finally out of breath and as far away as home as possible I stopped and walked instead.

I strolled down The Walk Of Fame a place where I walked by most of the time and it was very familiar to me. It was nice though, seeing different people everyday. Tourist mostly and it was said that about ten million people visit The Walk Of Fame each year and I've lived in L.A for five years. Imagine how many different people I've walked by. Wow I'm getting carried away.

I finally reached my group of people. My dancers. Yes I was a dancer. Hip Hop dancer that is. We always came to 'our' alley on Fridays and had dance battles. It was fun getting to compete with others and even though I won most times It didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that I got the chance to be free. Dancing made me feel like a free person and that's why I did it. Because at home I was back to being a prisoner.

I walked into the dance studio that was right next to the alley and changed into my other pair of clothes and shoes. I left my bag in there once I was done and walked back out to meet the others. We did our normal routine and every once in a while a new dancer would come and join us. Everyone went before me so I was the last one.

I did a dance routine that I had choreographed myself to a dubstep song I had found on YouTube. I was so lost in the music and the dance that the song was over before I knew it. I ended my dance with a very dramatic chest pop. Everyone around me cheered and soon I had a huge smile one my face.

This is what I liked. This feeling. The feeling if happiness. Why couldn't everyone just be happy? It would make my and every other persons life so much easier. I looked at the crowd of people that had gathered around us to watch. All their faces had a smile on them which made me smile even bigger. If that was possible.

My gazed suddenly landed on a young man. He looked my age. Maybe a bit older. He was wearing a black t-shirt and some regular blue jeans with black vans. His arms where crossed over his chest making his biceps flex.


I looked back up to his face. He was too far away to be able to see the color of his eyes but even from afar he looked very handsome. His face held a smiled also as he looked my way but something to the side caught his attention. He turned back my way one last time and stared for a while before walking off.

Then it hit me.

Oh my god it can't be.

Dedicated to Lovexmexforeverx for being the very First comment on my story:)

From Now On The Chapters Will Be Longer!




Pic of Jayda>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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